The quiche experiment

When­ev­er I think about quiche I think about the rat crea­tures in Bone.

Sun­day night (aka night before gro­cery day) we had only a few items of food left in our fridge. My com­rade (aka Mike) and I were try­ing to fig­ure out what to make for din­ner. Then I remem­ber this crust­less quiche in a cup recipe I saw on Cook­ing with My Kid. It’s like the teacup cod­dled eggs I made a while ago, but quiche! Even bet­ter! :D

(By the way, I found lots of quick and easy and real­ly clever recipes on Cook­ing with My Kid — such a wealth of ideas for every­day meals and parties/gatherings!)

So! I set out to make some quich­es for me and my com­rade, with what­ev­er I could find in our fridge, and I found:

A zuc­chi­ni! I grat­ed half of it. And cre­at­ed a mess — zuc­chi­ni shreds fly­ing everywhere.

4 eggs! Into the mix­ing bowl!

Cheese! … shred shred shred shred shred…

AND! A secret Asian ingredient…


Chopped into matchsticks.

(I have to admit, I do like Spam… espe­cial­ly in instant noo­dles with a fried egg. Kind of like a com­fort food.)

Mean­while, the last bit of milk in the car­ton added to the eggs for some Asian whisk­ing action! Oh, almost for­get — some salt and pep­per too! (I main­tain that chop­sticks are the most effec­tive tools for whisk­ing eggs.)

After mix­ing in the zuc­chi­ni, most of the cheese, and Spam, I poured the egg mix­ture into two ramekins. I decid­ed not to use cof­fee mugs as pic­tured in the recipe because I was feel­ing ner­vous about putting my cof­fee mugs into the oven… the labels on the bot­tom of the mugs only say that they’re dish­wash­er and microwave safe, not oven safe… any­ways, I felt more safe using ramekins, even though ramekins are less cute, but safe­ty is the most impor­tant rule in cooking…

OK, enough rambling…

Quich­es before they went into the oven, with cheese sprin­kled on top!

And quich­es after the oven — DONE! :D

They were actu­al­ly quite good. Very fluffy. Though they did­n’t real­ly puff up like the ones pic­tured in the recipe, my com­rade and I were quite hap­py with them.

I’m think­ing I might make them in muf­fin tins for potlucks or what­not — that would look rather cute, would­n’t it? And maybe try using spinach or broc­coli, and bacon instead of Spam, because not every­one likes spam… but I think most peo­ple like bacon.

And we end­ed the meal with puff pas­tries made by our good friend :D It was super deli­cious! We felt so blessed!

Hap­py Thursday!

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