
We took a field trip to a straw­ber­ry field on the week­end! It’s some­thing I haven’t done since high school, so I was real­ly look­ing for­ward to it. We got there before 8am to avoid the crowd, and it was a bit rainy so we did­n’t stay very long, but we still had lots of fun!

I was struck by how per­fect­ly shaped the straw­ber­ries were! (and I acci­den­tal­ly pulled off the unripe ones along with it… made a good pho­to but I felt kind of bad…)

Spy­ing on the strawberries…

You can see the rain­drops on Mike’s coat, and also the thorny weed in the low­er right cor­ner! Mike found that the best berries were hid­ing under those thor­ney weeds!

And of course, I made a straw­ber­ry pin to wear for the spe­cial occa­sion :D

Was plan­ning to take a close-up pic­ture of it in the straw­ber­ry bush, but did­n’t get a chance to, so I took a pic­ture at home. This straw­ber­ry thinks that liv­ing is easy with eyes closed.

I did­n’t fol­low any par­tic­u­lar pat­tern to make the straw­ber­ry pin. In fact I ran out of time at the end of the week and had to make it while tak­ing the pub­lic tran­sit. I won­dered whether I should write down the pat­tern… but I did a quick search and found quite a few cro­chet straw­ber­ry pat­terns, and I have a feel­ing that mine would­n’t be too dif­fer­ent from the oth­er pat­terns, so it might be kind of redun­dant if I write anoth­er one… But if you’re real­ly inter­est­ed let me know and I’ll write it! It’s rather sim­ple so it won’t take me too long to put it together :)

Have a sweet Monday!