Favourite things of the week!

Hel­lo… I have been buried in research and writ­ing this week (lit­er­al­ly, come check out my desk space), so I haven’t had time to craft… at all… ugh… feel­ing so dull and sad… :”(

But here are a few things that I’m keep­ing in mind once I have more time to make things! :D Craft­ing always makes me hap­py, even just the thought of it!

Check out this Fil­i­gree cardi­gan from Stitch Nation Yarn! Just spot­ted it on Rav­el­ry today! This is def­i­nite­ly my next cro­chet project once I find yarn (and time)! Hmmm… what colour should I make it in?

And this pearl clus­ter pen­dant would cre­ate quite a pret­ty roman­tic feel with the fil­i­gree cardi­gan, you think? I saw this quite a while ago on Ruf­fles and Stuff.

Speak­ing of roman­tic feel, what about a plate of French mac­arons to com­plete the look? (Not to be con­fused with mac­a­roons. Although a cro­cheted mac­a­roon would prob­a­bly look pret­ty inter­est­ing too) Well, these are def­i­nite­ly more cute than roman­tic. One look at them on Cre­ate! and I’m con­vinced that I need one in my plush family.

And what about mac­arons deliv­ered in these hand­made news­pa­per bags from What About Orange? They’re bril­liant! I love craft ideas that use com­mon mate­ri­als around the house (an exam­ple of craft that uses odd uncom­mon mate­ri­als is the rub­ber fish print­ing project from Martha Stew­art Liv­ing. They’re def­i­nite­ly fas­ci­nat­ing, but where on earth do you get life-like rub­ber fish forms? Any­way, I digress). Def­i­nite­ly an idea to keep on file for birth­days and Christ­mas! Per­haps I’ll make them in dif­fer­ent lan­guages! :D

AAAAAND final­ly, a ques­tion for you: which ani­ma­tion char­ac­ter is known for deliv­er­ing small gifts?

… hmm…

Give up?

You mean, you don’t know?

You don’t know Totoro?

This is actu­al­ly a Totoro desk­top from Sim­ple Desk­tops. Mike just dis­cov­ered the web­site and was excit­ed to find Totoro in the line­up of sim­ple but awe­some-look­ing desk­tops! I espe­cial­ly like desk­tops with lots of blank space, because I have lots of “unused desk­top icons” (that’s what my com­put­er calls them when it peri­od­i­cal­ly sends me a pop-up note telling me to remove some of them). They’re not unused, just not used very fre­quent­ly. I like hav­ing fold­ers acces­si­ble. Any­way, I digress again… ugh… my brain is fried…

Any­way, here’s Totoro giv­ing Sat­su­ki and Mei a leaf par­cel of acorns in his movie My Neigh­bor Totoro :D

Wish­ing you a love­ly week­end and I hope you enjoy the small gifts of the everyday!

4 thoughts on “Favourite things of the week!

  1. Trish — I LOVE your stuff. I read it reli­gious­ly. I must show you the cen­tre­pieces Jaimie and I are sewing for her bat­mitz­vah. Maybe I’ll send some photos…

    xoxo Have a great week­end too.

  2. Thank you for the Stitch Nation link. I will be attempt­ing the let­tuce knit armwarm­ers (in grey) =) I guess I should test my gauge huh?

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