Crazed rabbits and their carrots

After mak­ing the orna­ments with the teapot cook­ie mold I left the left­over dough in the fridge too long and they were too sticky to use with the mold… I tried and tried and tried and it was just stick­ing to the mold and stretch­ing out of shape when I tried to peel it off. But I did­n’t want to waste the dough (it had cin­na­mon in it!), so I thought I’d try using these cook­ie cut­ter that my friend Kit­ty gave me last year (I think for East­er). And look! I’m so hap­py with these! :D

They’re sup­posed to be orna­ments of some sort. I put a hole in each for rib­bons or twine. Plan­ning on giv­ing some of these away, but I’m keep­ing this one because he’s my favourite.

And their car­rots! :D

I paint­ed blue eyes and brown eyes — though I thought the blue-eyed ones looked more crazed :P

Have a love­ly week­end! :D

5 thoughts on “Crazed rabbits and their carrots

  1. I know I have sev­er­al car­rot and rab­bit cut­ters. I will see what they are and do a pho­to of them. I used to col­lect car­rot items.

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