The seaweed cardigan

Remem­ber this?

Fil­i­gree cardi­gan from Stitch Nation! Yep, I got around to mak­ing it! :D It actu­al­ly did­n’t take very long. The pat­tern was more straight­for­ward than I thought.

Since I used an aqua colour yarn (it was donat­ed! And there hap­pened to be 9 almost-full skeins of it! :D), I fig­ure I would pose for a sim­i­lar-look­ing pic­ture, with a sim­i­lar­ly severe look on my face…

… and fail­ing. After a day of work­ing at the com­put­er, I looked more dull than severe… so I stopped trying…

So, any­way. It was a good project. I also tried block­ing for the first time. One would think that hav­ing been cro­chet­ing for so many years, I would’ve blocked some­thing at least once? Nope. I nev­er thought that it would work because I always used acrylic yarn. And usu­al­ly things are at least wear­able. But this cardi­gan turned out too short. Every­thing matched the gauge except the length (even though I did­n’t check gauge :P), and I could­n’t but­ton it up, so I had to find a way to length­en it. I don’t know what this yarn is made of, so I thought, why not, it was an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to try block­ing :D

I soaked it and then pinned it to the chair… the tow­el you see on the floor was catch­ing the water drip­ping from the sleeves. The sleeves were stretched too long after the block­ing, but they looked bet­ter because the shell pat­terns were all bunched up before. Over­all I think it worked out. A bit big on me; the loose­ness and the lace pat­tern remind me of sea­weed. I like to name my projects :D

Have a very hap­py Fri­day, friends!

4 thoughts on “The seaweed cardigan

  1. I.….LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love your imi­ta­tion of the orig­i­nal pic­ture, then your goofy pose!!

    you’re so tal­ent­ed, have i ever told you that! 


  2. You did a great job! Very inspi­ra­tional, I’d like to try this. I think it looks great and i like your pic bet­ter than the model!

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