Clamato and special guest knitted Celery Stalk are here to celebrate genuine mudpie’s 100th post! :D
Why clamato, you ask? Mike and I actually came up with the idea one evening walking home from the grocery store, having bought a jug of clamato juice. I was wondering what to make after Piña Colada, and Mike thought Clamato would be another excellent cocktail to crochet!
So, I have been wanting to crochet Clamato for a while… and for the 100th post I thought adding celery would form the number “100”, with Celery being 1 and Clamato being the two 0’s. They tried, but numbers aren’t their best suit, so they requested some Photoshop help.

(I didn’t make a vodka character, so they’re just a clamato, not a caesar.)
I made them yesterday while participating in the Make-a-Long hosted by Leethal. I participated in the first Make-a-Long back in spring, about the time when I first started genuine mudpie, so I thought participating in it again would be the perfect way to celebrate post no.100!
So! The morning of the Make-a-Long was pretty much spent trying to figure out how to make Clam. Clam is not as simple as he looks. Or maybe I just don’t know how to do this in an easier way. I found a lovely lilac and a grey that seemed perfect for a clam shell, and I wanted to make ridges on his shell with slip stitches, all going in one direction. That means all the rows had to be worked on the right side. It took a few tries to figure this out, but it all worked at the end :D So, at around 11am-ish, I had the top and the bottom of Clam finished.
This is the backside of the top shell. I had to carry the yarn across the piece a lot so it’s all thick with strands of yarn overlapping (good thing Clam is only about an inch wide). It actually kind of looks like the flesh inside a clam :P
I then quickly finished Tomato. After lunch Mike had a meeting so I decided to go with him and knit in a nearby park, because I don’t go out much these days and change of scenery is refreshing.
I decided to knit instead of crochet Celery Stalk because I realized that the edges of knitted pieces (stockinette stitch) tend to roll inward, and that’s just what a celery stalk looks like! :D
Visited by one of many pigeons.
Then we went grocery shopping and bought clamato juice :D along with other grocery items. Mike kind of made-a-long by cooking meatballs a la Jamie Oliver.

And then I attached the magnets on Clamato and Celery, and here they are on the fridge!
Young Tomato and his signature lopsided smile.
Clam may seem like a cute and quiet creature…
… until you squeeze his cheeks and he lets out a scary laugh!

And our special guest, Celery in stockinette! He’s here to remind me that knitting is not as scary as I thought. Well, at least simple knitting anyway…
And then in the evening I worked on some fiesta granny hexagons for another project. I love the colour combination!
All in all I had a wonderful crafty day. I’m thankful for the Make-a-Long, and a big thank you for visiting me on genuine mudpie! Hopefully there will be hundreds more posts to come!
Have a great week everyone!
Congrats for the 100th post! I love reading them!!!