Favourite things of the week!

My favourite craft projects are the resource­ful ones involv­ing clever incor­po­ra­tion of things one can eas­i­ly find around the house. Like this lone mit­ten squir­rel I saw via Craftzine!

Mit­tens (or tech­ni­cal­ly gloves?) that have holes in the fin­ger­tips also make excel­lent squir­rel mate­r­i­al! I’m hop­ing I can find a lone white mit­ten so I can make a white squir­rel ♥

And while brows­ing on Dol­lar Store Craft (a gold­mine of thrifty craft ideas!) yes­ter­day I came across these love­ly skate orna­ments from Not Quite Vin­tage, clev­er­ly fit­ted with paper clips!

The post was from almost 3 years ago so you may have seen it already, but I just thought it’s bril­liant and felt com­pelled to post it!

And my own thrifty project of the week was to make trav­el tags. The air­line web­site sug­gest­ed tying “unique” tags to our lug­gage for “easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion”. I don’t own any trav­el tags and I thought the ones that the air­line gives out at the air­port aren’t very good for “easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion”. So I scoured the house for mate­ri­als and this is what I end­ed up with…

I found some vinyl mate­r­i­al from pack­ag­ing and bright colour­ful pic­tures from mag­a­zines. I then stacked them togeth­er and taped them to death with pack­ing tape, scrap­ing out as many bub­bles as pos­si­ble with a plas­tic card. I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased with the rub­ber ducky one.

My mom also sug­gest­ed tying thick rib­bons onto the lug­gage so we’ll be doing that as well.

Will be report­ing from far, far away land of Hong Kong in a few days! (hope­ful­ly… depend­ing on inter­net access) See you soon! :D

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