favourite snowpeople of the season

Hel­lo! Was going to write a “favourite things of the week” post, but real­ized that most of the favourite things I came across late­ly had to do with snow­peo­ple, and that it is snow­ing here on gen­uine mud­pie, I fig­ure it’d be fit­ting to write a “favourite snow­peo­ple” post! :D

Melt­ed and ready to eat! Mua­ha­ha­ha… I vote this best cook­ie of the season!
(from the dec­o­rat­ed cook­ie)

These are not nec­es­sar­i­ly snow­peo­ple, but I thought they look close enough. There’s won­der­ful detailed instruc­tion to make them with felt and also with marsh­mal­lows! :D
(from Gin­ger­bread Snowflakes)


I saw this in the mag­a­zine a cou­ple of years ago and I’ve always loved how bril­liant yet sim­ple it is. I’ve got to admit, it’s a good thing. A sug­ar snow globe! Instruc­tions to build snow­man and oth­er fun char­ac­ters with bam­boo skew­ers and gum­drops! My favourite are the mushrooms.
(from Martha Stew­art Liv­ing)

And final­ly, from my favourite movies of all time, My Neigh­bor Totoro — in the end­ing sequence the Totoros find a snow Totoro built by Sat­su­ki and Mei!

Watch the full end­ing sequence here if you have a moment, it’s real­ly cute! In Japan­ese with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles! (I was nev­er a big fan of the dubbed Eng­lish version) And if you haven’t seen the movie I’d high­ly rec­om­mend it!

Have a great week ahead!

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