We took a short trip up north on the weekend. I found out after I got there that Zumi was out of battery. I was a bit disappointed, but still happy with the pictures the pink camera took. There are more photos in my flickr set, but here are some of the ones I liked.
Sunrise over Muskoka.
At lunch time, icicles glimmered in the sun off the roof of the dining hall.
Late afternoon, the sun started to set over Lake Rousseau.
I painted a tile in the art cabin. (The paint never dried properly in the cold and later melted along with the condensation on the tile — just like a real snowflake!)
The next morning, more explorations by the lake. There was a circle of unfrozen water near the dock, and it was so blue.
Homebound. I was mesmerized by the dust-frosted school bus window and how it filtered the sunlight and shadows.
Back on city roads again. The school bus basking in the warm glow of the setting sun.
So, what I learned from this trip, is that over the years, though my comfort zone has been stretched in certain ways, it’s also become restricted in many areas. As I became older I learned more about myself and I learned to better avoid stress and stressful situations. I learned to avoid situations that would potentially trigger unpleasant memories. So it’s rather uncharacteristic of me to take this trip, but somehow I felt that I needed to do this. And I guess I needed to do this so that I know I’m not as adaptable as I thought I am and I still have a lot of spiritual and emotional growing to do.
Anyway, I think this makes some good reflections on Chinese New Year’s eve! A new year begins and hope is renewed as we look forward to spring. (Er, despite the snowstorm that blasted through the city last night…)
Have a happy Wednesday!