weekend montage

Mike had to work at a food con­ven­tion on the week­end, and he said it would be OK if I tagged along. We had our fair share (and gen­er­ous help­ings!) of food sam­ples, includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to) an art­ful cap­puc­ci­no, and waf­fles with var­i­ous deli­cious top­pings. I even got a com­pli­men­ta­ry cow key chain while wan­der­ing past the Seal­test booth. There were also lots of amaz­ing things to feast our eyes on, like the cake dec­o­rat­ing demon­stra­tion and inter­est­ing vari­eties of mush­rooms. And cook­ing demon­stra­tions by celebri­ty chefs! For some odd rea­sons I was sur­prised to see that they looked exact­ly the same as they do on TV. Some­how I thought they’d look dif­fer­ent in person.

We did have to look after our booth so we did­n’t spend near­ly as much time sam­pling from oth­er exhibitors as we would like. So after­wards we went to Smoke’s for some real Cana­di­an del­i­ca­cies :P

Hope your week­end was re-energizing!