botanical adventure


Last Fri­day Mike and I went to the Allen Gar­dens Con­ser­va­to­ry. It was found­ed in 1860 by George William Allan, one-time may­or of Toron­to and long-time pres­i­dent of the Hor­ti­cul­tur­al Soci­ety of Toronto.


And today the win­ter bulbs are on display.

I can’t believe that hav­ing lived in the city almost 8 years I’ve nev­er vis­it­ed this place! I imag­ine that it would be nice to vis­it the park grounds in warmer months, but it’s love­ly to vis­it in the win­ter too, because the green hous­es are so warm, with all the trop­i­cal plants and colour­ful array of flow­ers. One could almost for­get that it’s ‑15°C and snow­ing end­less­ly outside.

I was hap­py to see the bauhinia, flower of Hong Kong again :D

I won­der how old this brass knob is.


I took most of the pic­tures with the Zumi. I fig­ure Mike and I always have dupli­cate pic­tures, and since he brought his super cam­era he can take prop­er shots of the plants and I can exper­i­ment a bit.

I love this quaint lit­tle cactus.


Look how blue! The Zumi usu­al­ly dis­tort the colours but it’s pret­ty accu­rate with this plant — it’s real­ly that blue. I’ve nev­er seen that colour in a plant that’s not dyed before. It’s called the Jade Plant.


I was most mes­mer­ized by this door, with the tree bark exte­ri­or. I won­dered where it led to, why it had to be dis­guised… sort of. It’s quite plain to every­one that it’s a door. So per­haps the tree bark exte­ri­or is not a dis­guise? So why is it dif­fer­ent from all the oth­er doors? Hmm. And more amaz­ing­ly, check out the pic­ture of it — I did­n’t real­ize how bizarre the focus was until I looked at it on my com­put­er screen.

So! If you’re ever look­ing for great (and free) places to vis­it in Toron­to I would high­ly rec­om­mend these gar­dens. Once the weath­er is nicer (and not snow­ing end­less­ly) we plan on vis­it­ing more of the his­tor­i­cal gar­dens and muse­ums in Toron­to — there are so many awe­some places so close to home that we haven’t seen.

And no mat­ter how the weath­er is, I hope you have a love­ly day!