Tried the coconut ice recipe I wrote about last week! They’re not like sakura mochi, but I made them pink and white because it is indeed cherry blossom season :D
The recipe calls for desiccated coconut. I didn’t think I would find any in the grocery store and was just going to use the shredded coconut we always see in the baking aisle. But we went to a Chinese grocery store last week and there is was! Desiccated coconut, made by WD Happy Boy.
And in the next aisle we found some Lucky Stars condensed milk.
Now that we feel both happy and lucky, it is time to get to work! I neglected to take photos of the process, but there was not much to it anyway. Just a lot of stirring, stirring, and s‑s-stir-r-ring. Condensed milk is really thick and with the huge pile of powdered coconut and sugar, the mixture became really thick and a bit difficult to maneuver.
The recipe is supposed to make over 1 kilo of coconut ice. I like coconut, but that’s a bit much, I think. (Great for a bake sale though! Must keep that in mind when Christmas season rolls around.) Plus, I didn’t have enough icing sugar, so I just eye-balled maybe half a bag of coconut and 2/3 can of condensed milk. It made about 3 dozens 1“x1“x1.5″ bars, like these…
And in the morning I had enough condense milk left to make milk toast — delicious! :D Brings back fond childhood memories too.
I’m praying for good weather this Saturday, so we can finally visit the cherry blossoms at High Park! If rain is not in the forecast it might be good to bring some of the coconut ice with us for a mini picnic!
It was a beautiful day in our neighbourhood today — hope you’ve enjoyed some lovely sunshine too!