sandal season! :D

I bought these shoes in Sin­ga­pore, when we went on the trip last Novem­ber. After 5 cold months of wait­ing and look­ing at them on my shoe rack long­ing­ly, I’m final­ly wear­ing them today for the first time! :D

I’m not a shoe per­son, and I loath shoe-shop­ping, because my feet are weird­ly shaped and it’s dif­fi­cult to find shoes that don’t hurt. I’ve nev­er worn heels in my life for that rea­son. But these were almost an impulse pur­chase (well, more like a “pres­sure” pur­chase). I saw an old lady wear­ing shoes like those at the beach and I real­ly liked them (yes, an old lady). Then I saw them at a mar­ket place in Sin­ga­pore so I stopped to take a clos­er look. But as soon as I held the shoes in my hands the shop­keep­er lady imme­di­ate­ly pulled up a stool behind me and demand­ed that I sit down and try them on. So I did and they seemed to fit, and the next thing I knew the lady was stand­ing in front of me with a plas­tic bag ready to close the deal. So I paid.

And you might ask, What?! What kind of push-over are you? Well, the worst kind. I mean, I did do some quick cal­cu­la­tions in my head and fig­ured that the shoes cost around $6 CAD. And they did fit. So I took the eas­i­er route and just bought it. It would’ve been hard­er for me to put them back and walk away feel­ing like I’ve offend­ed the storekeeper.

So, any­way. I do love these shoes. They’re going to be my san­dals for the sum­mer. I wore them around this morn­ing and it felt alright.

So that was my thought of the day. Just enjoy­ing the sun.



2 thoughts on “sandal season! :D

  1. Cute! Nice col­or too :)
    You’re not the only shoe-shop­ping-loather (is that a word?) in the world. I HATE that too. So lucky cheap shoes are a day maker :)

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