she looks at the rain as it pours…


The weath­er is so unpre­dictable these days. Here I am post­ing these pho­tos I took yes­ter­day under a cloud­less sky and beam­ing sun, while the rain pours out­side my win­dow with thun­der and lightning.

(Oooh! And I cap­tured an escap­ing fly in the frame! Did­n’t even noticed that :D)

We’re sup­posed to go to our church pic­nic at High Park today, but it looks like we’re just going to stay home.

And I’m lis­ten­ing to Her Morn­ing Ele­gance as I write this (it’s a beau­ti­ful video, check it out if you haven’t seen it!), I thought one of the lines would make a fit­ting title for this post.

It took me a while to fig­ure out that the tall, pur­ple, globe-like flow­ers is Alli­um.


They are plant­ed in the park near our apart­ment build­ing. One of those build­ings in the back­ground is prob­a­bly one we live in.


It’s bee a very busy cou­ple of weeks, which is kind of unusu­al for me, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly a bad thing. Not bad at all. We’ve got­ton togeth­er with a cou­ple of friends from out of town (way far away, like across provinces and even con­ti­nents!). I’ve got­ten a few small design jobs (hur­ray! Mike is proud), a con­tract project in progress and a few more con­tract jobs to plan for, and still edit­ing my the­sis for jour­nal sub­mis­sion. (I’ve been work­ing on var­i­ous aspects of that the­sis for almost two years now… sigh…)

Small fry com­pared to peo­ple who have kids and full-time jobs, I know. I just get eas­i­ly over­whelmed, I guess. So I don’t have kids. I would­n’t mind a full-time job, though. I just need to carve out some time to craft.

Speak­ing of which, there are a cou­ple of craft projects on my to-post list and they’re still not done… hope­ful­ly I’ll get to work on them more this com­ing week, before it gets busy again in the final weeks of June…

But for the rest of this after­noon I’m going to drink tea and cro­chet and watch CSI marathon on TV.
