super awesome week! :D

I’m very eas­i­ly amused, so it’s not hard for me to find awe­some things to feel hap­py about on an ordi­nary day. But last week was SUPER awe­some! Just an accu­mu­la­tion of awe­some things that I don’t encounter on a reg­u­lar basis.

First, the weath­er was REALLY nice all week. So nice that I start­ed to expect rain — sun­ny weath­er does­n’t last more than a few days until the rain clouds start to take over again, and so if I start to expect rainy weath­er than I would­n’t be too dis­ap­point­ed about the loss of sun and blue sky.

But rain did­n’t come! And at the end of most days last week Mike and I were able to enjoy some gor­geous sun­sets on our west-fac­ing balcony.


Thurs­day was the day that I was real­ly pray­ing for the rain to stay away. It was the open­ing recep­tion of a small art show I orga­nized in the com­mu­ni­ty, and the Weath­er Net­work called for rain all day. So I was a bit ner­vous about it through­out the day, but guess what? It did­n’t rain. Not one bit.

AND guess who walked through the door at the art show opening?



I still can’t get over it ‑ Yan­nick Bis­son, of Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies, one of my absolute favourte TV shows, came to the open­ing reception!

I was too utter­ly shocked to go up to intro­duce myself or even to snap a pic­ture (I also had to give a short speech and I’m ter­ri­fied of pub­lic speak­ing, so I want­ed to focus on prepar­ing myself for that). I saw that he was min­gling with the direc­tors, so I thought some­one would even­tu­al­ly intro­duce me after the speech­es and all that… but he left! He left ear­ly, even before I gave my speech :’(

Oh well. It was still real­ly cool to see detec­tive Mur­doch in per­son! :D Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies is prob­a­bly my sec­ond favourite show at the moment (a close sec­ond behind Fringe), because not only is it a Cana­di­an pro­duc­tion, it is also set in late 19th cen­tu­ry Toron­to (you know how I like to vis­it old hous­es and learn about life in the past). And so when Inspec­tor Brack­en­reid men­tioned “Mary of Shuter Street”, I know exact­ly where that is! :D

The next day I had to work at a school pic­nic. The sky final­ly sprin­kled a few drops of rain on us but noth­ing major after every­thing was set up, which I was real­ly thank­ful for, because oth­er­wise it would­n’t be pos­si­ble to run the cot­ton can­dy sta­tion outside!

I even got to work at the sta­tion for part of the day, mak­ing cot­ton can­dy cones! Despite my hair and glass­es and clothes being cov­ered in cot­ton can­dy floss, it was way fun!

I also served pop­corn from the popper!

I saw this very cool tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing ani­mat­ed image on Make it and Love it, and thought some of the pic­tures I took of the pop­corn pop­ping would make a fun ani­ma­tion. Though I did­n’t take the pic­tures with that in mind and so only two pic­tures were usable… but I thought I would give it a try any­way :D

Looks like it’s eat­ing the pop­corn rather than pop­ping them out :P

nom nom nom nom nom…

The ani­ma­tion was so much fun to make! I’ll have to try it with oth­er pic­tures sometimes…

And then I got a cup­cake at lunch break (on top of all the oth­er great food the par­ents brought), which I ate while sit­ting on the grass. The cup­cake was as deli­cious as it was pretty.

Then on Sat­ur­day we met up with some old friends and wit­nessed anoth­er old friend being mar­ried :D Very excit­ing indeed. There was sushi as far as eyes could see at the lunch buf­fet recep­tion. After much eat­ing and chat­ting and clap­ping and laugh­ing and singing, and while oth­er guests start­ed leav­ing and helpers start­ed clean­ing, here I am rest­ing by the water­colour, feel­ing very happy.

Rec­og­nize the mus­sel­s dress, and my sum­mer shoes? :D

The flower pin is anoth­er crafty sto­ry in itself. I will have to save it for next time.

I know not every week will be like this one, and some weeks are com­plete­ly dis­as­trous, but I’m just very, very thank­ful for all the won­der­ful things this week. Hope you have a great start to your week!


If good things last­ed for­ev­er, would we appre­ci­ate how pre­cious they are?
— Hobbes (the stuffed tiger)




4 thoughts on “super awesome week! :D

  1. Yes, I rec­og­nized that dress; it looks fab­u­lous on you! Glad you had such a great week. 

    I know what you’re talk­ing about with that rain busi­ness. Liv­ing in the Pacif­ic North­west has it’s ups and downs as far as rain (and gray days) goes :-). Each day with­out rain is a pre­cious gift!

  2. So awe­some that you doc­u­ment all the lit­tle things that make you hap­py. I’ve just start­ed my blog, and I’m try­ing to remem­ber to take pic­tures of all the small things in every day life

  3. thank you, jill! actu­al­ly, my ini­tial con­cept for this blog was to take one pho­to each day of some­thing that makes me feel hap­py or hope­ful, or both!

  4. thank you, nan­cy! we’ve been hav­ing per­fect 25°C weath­er for the past few days and i’m so thank­ful! but i don’t mind rain as long as i’m indoors… i do like the sound of rain at night, it helps me sleep!

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