6 mosquito bites later



For the first time Mike and I are col­lab­o­rat­ing on a design project! :D And for this project we need some pho­tos of jars with lights in them on the grass. So last night we wait­ed till the sun went down and head­ed out with some jars and candles.

As I was sit­ting on the grass, try­ing to hold my hands still to pho­to­graph the jars I was prompt­ly remind­ed by the mos­qui­toes that they come out in the evening, espe­cial­ly in grassy areas.

And these were GIANT mos­qui­toes! I will spare you the gory details of me swat­ting them while they were in the mid­dle of suck­ing my blood.

But it’s all worth the con­stant swat­ting and inevitable itchy red spots on my arms. Because we’ve got pho­tos that work! (We hope. The client makes the final ver­dict. But I’m going to tell the client that the pho­tos cost me 6 GIANT mos­qui­to bites so she bet­ter likes it… Yeah… that’s why Mike and I nev­er work togeth­er :P)

The one above and this one below were tak­en with a bat­tery-oper­at­ed tea light.



This jar here had a real tea light in it.



I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the small white flow­ers around the jars and in the background.

And yes, they are baby food jars. I got tons and tons from a friend years ago for a school project. They were also paint­ed with white and trans­par­ent glass paint.


Two things I dis­cov­ered from this pho­to shoot:

- Tiger balm works won­ders on mos­qui­to bites.

- iphone takes sur­pris­ing­ly good low light pic­tures. Bet­ter than my point & shoot. Plus all the oth­er fan­cy func­tions and apps that iphones have. Hmmm.


I’ve been using Mike’s new phone to take pic­tures quite a bit since he got it a week ago. The next time I ask to use his phone he’ll prob­a­bly say, “back off! Get your own iphone!” (ever seen this com­mer­cial? I loved it)

Oh, no thanks. Not until it gets to $0 with a $25 phone plan :P

Any­way! Have a great Sat­ur­day, every­one! :D



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