sunday video: two sixty four


This video reminds me of the begin­ning sequence of the ani­mat­ed film Up, which always brings a tear to my eye. I love the way it cap­tures the small things, so mat­ter-of-fact yet with such ten­der­ness. Like the old chair, the piano keys, the bar of soap, the diary, and a life­time of stories.



Have a hap­py and re-ener­giz­ing Sun­day everyone!

3 thoughts on “sunday video: two sixty four

  1. You’re right about all the details! My favorite part was her wed­ding pho­to — such a beau­ti­ful woman!

  2. We are so hap­py you liked the video! We were equal­ly touched by the movie Up and are hap­py this video evoked the same emo­tion of ten­der­ness and a life­time of mem­o­ries. Thank you for post­ing it!

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