favourite things friday


Make a sum­mer­time wind chime with bam­boo stakes! Tuto­r­i­al from Michele Made Me.


I love shrink plas­tic, and these shrink plas­tic pins are adorable! How-to on Wee Won­der­fuls, spot­ted on my plush swap part­ner’s love­ly craft blog, Kitsch-n-Zinc :D


Made with acrylic paint and water in spray bot­tles! Acrylic paint real­ly does not come off cloth­ing (the splash of pur­ple paint that I got on my tan colour coat has­n’t even fad­ed after 4 years and count­less wash­es) and in this case it’s a good thing :D I’ve got to give this a try with some plain old t‑shirts some­times! From Fru­gal Fam­i­ly Fun.


I have this duvet cov­er from Ikea! :D This duvet-cov­er-to-pil­low-mat­tress makes a won­der­ful day bed, with­out hav­ing to buy the bed frame and every­thing. How-to on South­ern Dis­po­si­tion.


This remind­ed me of some­one from art col­lege, who one day brought his bicy­cle into school, laid out sev­er­al large pieces of paper in the hall­way, some­how cov­ered the wheels of his bike with print­ing ink, and rode his bike across the paper :D Don’t have room in the apart­ment to ride a bike across the paper, but this rolling pin method seems fun! From Irre­sistible Ideas.


When we went to Malaysia, our tour guide was always wear­ing these real­ly flowy tops that were basi­cal­ly a great big piece of fab­ric, fold­ed in half with a hole cut out for the neck­line and stitched togeth­er on the two side seams. Appar­ent­ly they’re called pon­cho top/tunic, but I also like to call them the but­ter­fly top/tunic. Any­way, I love the sim­plic­i­ty of the design and con­struc­tion, and loose-fit­ting cloth­ing actu­al­ly feels a lot cool­er (both tem­per­a­ture-wise and style-wise) than tight-fit­ting cloth­ing with lit­tle fab­ric. Here’s an awe­some how-to for the but­ter­fly pon­cho top, from Blooms and Bugs :D


I’ve nev­er worn heels in my life (for real!) but these are cute. Heels embell­ished with bias tape! I’m sure it will also work on a plain pair of flats. Genius idea from The Moth­er Hud­dle.


This is fas­ci­nat­ing — print­ing on cro­chet and knit items with cyan­otype. It’s unlike­ly that I will try it because of the com­pli­cat­ed chem­i­cals involved, but it’s love­ly to look at. If you’re inter­est­ed there’s a detailed how-to on Craft! 


When I was in high school sol­id per­fume from the Body Shop was par­tic­u­lar­ly pop­u­lar. I got one from a friend for Christ­mas. The ingre­di­ents in this project looks man­age­able, with beeswax and essen­tial oils — a Christ­mas gift project, per­haps! From Design Sponge.


This is so sim­ple — just a pen­cil with an eras­er top and ink pads — but the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less! From Mom­tas­tic.


A real­ly neat way to make a paper cut por­trait, using pho­to-edit­ing soft­ware to sep­a­rate the high­light and shad­ows of a pho­to. Tuto­r­i­al on Dude Craft.


We’re in need of more work­ing sur­faces in our apart­ment, so this mini lap top desk tuto­r­i­al from Fresh Home Ideas real­ly caught my eye. We’re not handy kind of peo­ple though, so we’re prob­a­bly going to look for a ready-made desk rather than build one. It’s a cool-look­ing desk nonetheless!


These orange boat jel­lo cups are bril­liant! Part of a how-to for a pirate-theme par­ty on Make and Takes.


And this Rubik Bat­ten­burg cake would be a hit at any par­ty. Recipe and how-to on S’tasty.


Have a great week­end, every­one! :D

2 thoughts on “favourite things friday

  1. It’s a love­ly after­noon here in the Pacif­ic North­west and I’m sit­ting out on my deck, cro­chet­ing a bit, tak­ing pic­tures of birds, and scan­ning the com­put­er. How’s that for mul­ti-task­ing? And what do I find but yet anoth­er post of yours. I love your “favorite things Fri­day” (think I told you that already :-)…) You always come up with such fun, doable projects. 

    You are inspir­ing me to start up my blog again. 

    Hope you have a love­ly weekend!

  2. it rained a bit here in the morn­ing, but was sun­ny and hot in the after­noon. i was out run­ning errands but was able to find a tree to sit under for a bit :) i’m hap­py to hear that you want to start up your blog again!

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