weekend wonders

This past week­end we vis­it­ed my par­ents. My dear sis­ter is head­ing to grad school in Hong Kong (!) for a year and she is leav­ing lat­er this week, so it was good to spend the week­end with her.

But every­one was busy in the morn­ing so Mike and I went off to have Hong Kong din­er-style break­fast spe­cial, with real­ly run­ny eggs and extra strong tea. (Next time I’ll have to request that the eggs be more cooked :S)


Lat­er in the after­noon we picked heir­loom yel­low toma­toes from my par­ents’ toma­to bush. 

It took me a while to spot some in the bush, but they weren’t ripe.


My mom, on the oth­er hand, had found quite a few in a minute or two.


It’s real­ly not easy to spot the ripe toma­toes, giv­en the size of the toma­to bush. But I think Mike found one here.


Then we went to the Chi­nese mall to find Angry Birds cap­sule toy machine! :D


Cap­sule toy machines are def­i­nite­ly one of my favourite things!

Though I kind of cheat­ed here… Mike got the yel­low wood­peck­er from the machine and I got the white egg-shaped bird, but my very favourite was the blue ice birds. The shop that owns the cap­sule toy machines also sells the Angry Birds plush­es out of the machine, but charges a bit more, of course, for the con­ve­nience of choos­ing spe­cif­ic ones to buy. *sigh* I’m such a suck­er for plushes.




Hap­py Mon­day, everyone!