this week’s awesome finds

Fall is in the air! :D

Lat­tice cook­ies by Not Martha, per­fect over hot apple cider. (With step-by-step pho­to tuto­r­i­al on how to make the lattice!)


Mini cher­ry pies baked in a muf­fin tin! Isn’t that cute? Recipe on Sew Sweet Stitch­es.


An altered book project! Think­ing of my librar­i­an friend who loves fall dec­o­ra­tions… How-to on Cre­ations by Kara. 


Can­dy corn clops! XD Free pat­tern on Glee­ful Things.

And now for things less sea­son­al but equal­ly awesome…


Styl­ish ear­rings made with those ubiq­ui­tous buttons/pins from I Could Make That. Now I have a way to make good use of my but­ton col­lec­tion :D


Cus­tom pic­ture frames made with kraft paper tape (or as my high school art teacher calls it, butcher’s tape — actu­al­ly, I haven’t heard any­one else call it butcher’s tape. Maybe she made it up. She says it in a real­ly fun­ny way too, makes me smile every time I see butcher’s tape). How-to on Oh Hap­py Day.


The process of this is so cool — it starts with a plain black tee and with alter­nat­ing lay­ers of bleach and dye it became a whole uni­verse! From Uni­corn Parade.


A love­ly thim­ble neck­lace by Maize on Instructa­bles. I’ve got to make one of these if I ever come across an extra thim­ble. I only have one and need it for sewing…

And final­ly, from one of my favourite plush designers…

A tiny sushi from Mochi­mochi Land! Isn’t this ever cute! There is no pat­tern for this but I have to show it to you. I could just look at it all day and mar­vel at the crafts­man­ship of it. I’ve made cro­cheted sushi but the knit ver­sion just has a dif­fer­ent kind of smooth and refined look to it. I wish I could knit bet­ter… And it does­n’t end here, check this out…


A tiny edamame! Enter the cap­tion con­test before Mon­day and you could win the Nin­jabun pat­tern! (I would total­ly try mak­ing up a haiku for this if I could knit!)

Have a hap­py week­end, every­one! :D



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