quick refashion

A very quick t‑shirt refash­ion, from this idea on Craft­ster, which I orig­i­nal­ly spot­ted on Pin­ter­est.

I also cut off the cuff of the sleeves to cre­ate a bit of a flut­ter­ing effect.

I’ve had that neck­lace for­ev­er. It’s always sat in the bot­tom of my jew­el­ry box since as long as I could remem­ber. I com­plete­ly for­got about it until my mom asked me to look into one of my draw­ers at home to see if there’s any­thing I want to take home or throw out. I did­n’t even know that it had immi­grat­ed with us to Cana­da. And I don’t real­ly know where I got it from…

The beads are made of glass, I think. It’s kind of heavy and I haven’t found an out­fit to wear it with yet. Makes a good acces­so­ry for the pho­to-shoot though :D

Have a hap­py Wednesday!