
I made this sweater a while ago, just wait­ing to get a light-colour top to wear under­neath it. 


The pat­tern came from an old issue of Inter­weave Cro­chet (fire­side pullover). The yarn came from a cardi­gan that I cro­cheted but it felt too stiff and heavy. It sat in the clos­et for over a year with­out me wear­ing it once, so I decid­ed to unrav­el it and use the yarn for some­thing else.

I real­ly like the sim­plic­i­ty of it. A sim­ple stitch repeat­ing itself over and over again. I used to be more attract­ed to com­plex pineap­ple lace and such, and I still like them, but I find myself wear­ing sim­pler designs as I get older.

And the plants look­ing quite hap­py in the warm after­noon sun! :D

Wish­ing you a love­ly week ahead!



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