bucket of sun


Or, the trav­el­ing hat of Rati­cus, part 2.

I’ve been want­i­ng to make myself a sun hat. And so, after it was made I was real­ly proud of it and was wear­ing it in the apart­ment all after­noon. Mike was busy sort­ing his own clos­et or what­ev­er and he sud­den­ly turned and looked at me and laughed,

“HA! You know who you remind me of?”

I was hop­ing for a char­ac­ter in a Miyaza­ki movie.

“Rati­cus!” He said.

It’s true. Take a look.


I made a hat for a plas­tic rat that lives in Mike’s office almost two years ago. Com­plete­ly for­got about the colours of yarn I used of course. And then two years lat­er I’ve made a sim­i­lar hat with the same green stripe for myself. I must real­ly like green stripes. And I must vis­it Rati­cus at his office one day and take a pic­ture with our hats. Hat twins! XD

I decid­ed to also write down the pat­tern, since it’s been a while since I’ve shared a pat­tern. I opt­ed for a hdc-ch 1 pat­tern repeat because it kind of looks woven.

And the band of con­trast­ing colour is made with a lighter yarn to cre­ate a bit of vari­a­tion in texture.


To cro­chet this buck­et hat, you’ll need:

2 skeins of Bernat Hand­i­crafter Cot­ton (or the like), 50g/80 yd per skein

Small amount of light worsted cot­ton yarn in con­trast­ing colour (about 1/2 of a 50g skein)

4mm hook


Mea­sure­ment: 21″ in diam­e­ter, 3.5″ tall from top edge to brim, with guide­lines to make dif­fer­ent sizes in pat­tern. (Though these guide­lines are not test­ed, it’s best to try it on as you go)


Hat is cro­cheted in the round. Each round starts with a begin­ning ch and ends with join­ing at the beg ch.

The begin­ning ch 3 of each round counts as [hdc, ch 1]

inc. (increase) = [hdc, ch 1, hdc] in ch 1 sp.


Rd 1: in mag­ic ring, ch 2, 11 hdc, sl st in top of beg ch to join.

Rd 2: ch 3, *inc. in next st, ch 1, hdc in next st, ch 1* repeat from * to * around, end with inc. in the last st, ch 1, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 3: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, hdc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1, inc. in next ch 1 sp, ch 1, *[hdc, ch 1] in next 2 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 4: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 2 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 3 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 5: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 3 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 4 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 6: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 4 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 5 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 7: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in each ch 1 sp around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

Rd 8: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 5 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 6 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

*For a small­er hat, omit Rd 8. For a larg­er hat, cro­chet an addi­tion­al round after Rd 8 as fol­lows:
sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 6 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 7 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join. 

*Omit­ting or adding a round should sub­tract or add 1″ to hat diameter.

Sides shap­ing

For Rd 9 only, cro­chet into the ch 1 itself, instead of in the ch 1 space. This will cre­ate a sharp down­ward fold­ing edge at the crown of the hat and give the hat its buck­et shape.

Rd 9: sl st into first ch 1, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] into each ch 1 around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join. 

Rd 10 ‑12: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in each ch 1 sp around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join. 

Rd 13: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 10 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch1] in next 11 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join.

*If rounds were omit­ted or added at the crown, just even­ly place 4 increas­es around. You can count the total num­ber of ch 1 spaces (includ­ing the beg ch) and divide it by 4, or just eye­ball it.

Rd 14–17: sl st into first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in each ch 1 sp around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch to join. 

*If you want to make the hat taller and wider, add anoth­er round with 4 even­ly placed increas­es around some­where between Rds 14 and 17.


Join con­trast­ing colour yarn, but don’t fas­ten off main colour yarn. Car­ry main colour yarn up at the begin­ning of each round with the con­trast­ing colour.

sc into each of the ch 1 sp and hdc.

Begin­ning ch 1 does not count as sc in this section.

Rd 18: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next 11 st, 2 sc in next st, *sc in next 12 st, 2 sc in next st* around, sl st in first sc.

*if you’ve sub­tract­ed or added rounds pre­vi­ous­ly, your stitch count may not match with mine. But that’s okay, the idea of Rd 18 is just to make an increase every 12 stitch­es or so to com­pen­sate for the thin­ner con­trast­ing colour yarn.

Rd 19–21: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc.

Fas­ten off con­trast­ing colour, place main colour back on hook.

Rd 22: ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, [skip next st, sc in next st, ch 1] 11 times, skip 2 sts, sc in next st, ch 1, *[skip next st, sc in next st, ch 1] 12 times, skip 2 st, sc in next st, ch 1* repeat from * to * around until there are 12 stitch­es left, [skip next st, sc in next st, ch 1] in remain­ing sts, sl st in first sc. 

*if you’ve sub­tract­ed or added rounds pre­vi­ous­ly your stitch count in Rd 22 may not match mine. But that should be okay. The decreas­es in Rd 22 is just to make a decrease every 12 sc’s or so to com­pen­sate for the dif­fer­ences in yarn weight when switch­ing back to the thick­er main colour yarn.

Rd 23: ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, [skip next st, sc in next st, ch 1] around, sl st in first sc.


For Rd 24 only, hdc into the ch 1 around the front loop of the chain only. This will make the fab­ric fold outward.

Rd 24: sl st into first ch 1 around the front loop only, ch 3, hdc into next ch 1 around the front loop only, ch 1, inc. in next ch 1 around the front loop only, ch 1, *[hdc, ch 1] in next ch 1 around the front loop only, inc., ch 1* around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch.

Rd 25: sl st in first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in each ch 1 sp around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch.

Rd 26: sl st in first ch 1 sp, ch 3, [hdc, ch 1] in next 16 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1, *[hdc, ch 1] in next 17 ch 1 sp, inc., ch 1* around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch.

*Again, if you’ve added or sub­tract­ed rows/stitches pre­vi­ous­ly your stitch count will not match mine. But just make an increase every 17 hdc’s or so.

Rd 27: sl st in first ch 1 sp, ch 3, *[hdc, ch 1] in each ch 1 sp until inc. st in pre­vi­ous round, inc. in inc. st in pre­vi­ous round, ch 1* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch.

Rd 28: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each of the hdc and ch 1 sp around, sl st in beg sc, fas­ten off. Weave in ends.


And we’re fin­ished! :D


First time writ­ing pat­tern for a hat, hope it all makes sense! As usu­al, if you spot any mis­take please let me know!


Enjoy the sun!





12 thoughts on “bucket of sun

  1. Now that is one cute hat, and love the sto­ry that goes with it! I am a total non-hat per­son but love them on oth­er peo­ple :-). Hope you have a won­der­ful weekend!

  2. very nice pattern.
    you look real­ly nice in it.
    thanks for shar­ing the pattern.

  3. Very cute! (Plus, you remind me of my friend’s wife, Dan, who’s super smart and adorable, so that’s a strange kind of plus.) I’m going to make one of these for myself for this sum­mer; hope­ful­ly I can even get it done this week so I can wear it when we vis­it my aunt in Cal­i­for­nia (would be per­fect to take on a trip). Thanks for the pattern!

  4. Wow, did I ever luck out! I was look­ing for a hat to cro­chet, and this is just *poifekt*! I haven’t cro­cheted since I was a kid, and I nev­er *did* learn to read a pat­tern, so I haven’t the fog­gi­est notion what this says, but I’ll go look it up because I can find any­thing on the net. I’m gonna make this out of ray­on yarn so it’ll be cool and shiny, and I have a love­ly rasp­ber­ry sher­bet here that’s more sat­u­rat­ed, so it’s a gor­geous pink. Thanks a mil­lion for going through the effort to put that secret code (well, that’s what it looks like ;-) up here so we can have a cool hat like yours. It’s just terrific!

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