graduation dress


I was brows­ing on Pin­ter­est the oth­er day and saw some­one pinned a “grad­u­a­tion dress”. I thought it was such a great idea, to make a spe­cial dress for one’s grad­u­a­tion. I had a grad­u­a­tion com­ing up and a nice piece of fab­ric lying around, enough to make a dress. So I start­ed search­ing for “easy dress­ing sewing pat­tern” and came upon this pat­tern from Bur­da Style.


Hey, that looks like some­thing I could make with­out a pat­tern. Because it looks just like an extend­ed square blouse. 

So, it’s not as neat, but here’s my ver­sion of it :D


Look! I was even wear­ing black tights and a red glass bead neck­lace. That pho­to from Bur­da Style real­ly inspired this outfit.

I did tweak my usu­al square blouse pat­tern a bit. The shoul­ders are tilt­ed a bit down­ward toward the arms, the waist is tak­en in to give it more shape.

And I did wear it to my grad­u­a­tion :D

The direc­tor was very thought­ful and had cor­sages for all the grad­u­ates. And you can see the faint flo­ral pat­tern on my dress a bit bet­ter in this photo.


Mike was wear­ing a match­ing tie! :D In fact, I made him that skin­ny tie fol­low­ing this tuto­r­i­al.

The grad­u­a­tion was for the art ther­a­py diplo­ma that I tech­ni­cal­ly com­plet­ed two years ago. But because it’s such a small school and small pro­gram, it takes a while to get a large enough group of grad­u­ates to have a grad­u­a­tion ceremony.

But it’s still a real­ly excit­ing time! :D

So hap­py that my sis­ter is back from her stud­ies in Hong Kong so she could come to the grad­u­a­tion :D


It was in a build­ing cov­ered in vines (not our school build­ing. The school rent­ed a space in this build­ing for the ceremony).


Works as a casu­al dress on a dif­fer­ent day. Found this awe­some tree in a near­by park with a nice strong branch that makes a nat­ur­al seat.


And this whole grad­u­a­tion expe­ri­ence just made me think about how impor­tant it is to know that oth­er peo­ple believe in me, to hear peo­ple say to me that “I know you can do it”, even though I don’t believe that I can at times. More impor­tant­ly, it makes me think about how impor­tant it is for me to say to oth­ers that I believe in them. To have faith that they are able to do the things that they want to do, over­come the chal­lenges they face, reach new heights in their life jour­neys. And to inter­act with peo­ple in a way that express this faith. 

I for­get some­times, but some­thing I’m try­ing to be more con­scious of.


Have an awe­some Tuesday!






8 thoughts on “graduation dress

  1. Well done Trish, you looked love­ly in your dress. You are so tal­ent­ed, I love see­ing what you are up to in the design depart­ment. Keep it up and all the great pho­tos, Thanks, Sheila.

  2. Glad your sis­ter is back from her stud­ies and could come to your grad­u­a­tion. And that is one cool tie :-).

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