the magical value village

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again — Val­ue Vil­lage is a mag­i­cal place.


It tru­ly is! I have a pair of capris that I tried to turn into shorts, but then I cut too much and it was too short, so I thought I could length­en them with some hem trim­ming. And I thought some vin­tage fab­ric would look cool. So I had in my head this vision of a yel­low flo­ral vin­tage sheet and looked through hun­dreds of list­ings on Etsy but could­n’t find any­thing I wanted. 

So I thought I’d make a trip to Val­ue Vil­lage and give it a try. And it was right there, wait­ing for me on a hang­er in the linen department…


It was per­fect! Not only was it the pat­tern I was envi­sion­ing, it was also a ginor­mous king size sheet for 4.99! There are parts of it that are more yel­low and parts of it more grassy green. I think I’m going to make a 1960-esque sun dress with the rest of it :D

I got so car­ried away try­ing to find a sun dress pat­tern I almost for­got about trim­ming the shorts. But here they are :D


Love­ly pat­tern, eh?


Also from the linen depart­ment I found a pil­low case made of a very light fab­ric with leaf pat­terns. I’ve always want­ed a leaf pat­tern top :D (I used a square blouse pat­tern like this one.)


That’s not it. On my way out of the linen depart­ment I spot­ted this… *gasp*


YARN!!! It’s YARN!!! 4 skeins of this soft mot­tled brown/tan wool for 2.99. It kinds of look like rov­ing, but it’s 30% wool + 70% acrylic. Don’t know what I’m going to make with it yet, but I like the colours a lot.

See? Val­ue Vil­lage is a mag­i­cal place :D


On a sep­a­rate note, it was my niece Lucy’s first birth­day last week and I mailed this to her…


Because she’s also known as Queen Lucy (as in Queen Lucy of Nar­nia). And because it might be use­ful for future dress-up games. I made it fol­low­ing this pat­tern. It can be quite a ver­sa­tile crown for a queen, king, princess, prince, or oth­er royalties. 

I was going to sew on some but­tons, but then I thought but­tons could be chok­ing haz­ards. So I embroi­dered with some pur­ple yarn instead. 

I don’t think Queen Lucy would mind me try­ing on her crown to show my blog friends.

Mike and I lat­er got a pho­to her wear­ing it and spin­ning :D


Have a won­der­ful week, everyone!





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