square-a-day update

Day 19, a quick study of Kat Sue the felt­ed cat hailed from Fel­pa Felt, Mex­i­co. Pos­si­bly my favourite square yet!


Day 20, octo­pus in the distance.


Day 21, con­tem­plat­ing good­bye. Deal­ing with some dif­fi­cult things these days, glad to have a way of express­ing it.


Day 22, lis­ten­ing. For direc­tions, I guess.


Day 23, not alone. An exper­i­ment with freez­er paper sten­cil­ing, then real­ize that freez­er paper and wax paper are not the same. But I only had wax paper, and don’t know where to get freez­er paper. Had mild suc­cess on this square piece of can­vas, so tried it on a t‑shirt any­way, on a larg­er scale, but failed miserably :(


Day 24, duck glar­ing at peo­ple tak­ing pho­tos. I admit that I’m one of those peo­ple. Inspired by recent trips to city parks and Mo Willem’s pigeon series. 


More on the square-a-day project:
First post
First update
Sec­ond update 



13 thoughts on “square-a-day update

  1. Hey Trish, just want­ed to say that I’ve been lov­ing the square a day project. I always find your art so engag­ing, even when it is just you exper­i­ment­ing! I was par­tic­u­lar struck by the octo­pus one this time. Keep up the awe­some work.

  2. Hey, Trish! You should be able to find freez­er paper at Loblaws (not sure if they still call one of their stores “Real Cana­di­an Super­store” in Toron­to or not — they do in North­west­ern Ontario and Man­i­to­ba — but you should know the stores, the ones that would car­ry the “Pres­i­den­t’s Choice brand­ing). Any­way, that is where I buy freez­er paper for craft­ing. In the part of the store where oth­er kitchen papers/aluminum foil/plastic wraps are locat­ed. I also think I saw it at Wal Mart. Not pos­i­tive if you have those, either… been a lot of years since I was last in Toronto :)

  3. thank you so much! yes, there are a loblaws super­store rel­a­tive­ly close to where i am, i will def­i­nite­ly go check it out!

  4. also metro car­ries it the reynolds brand — you get 5 bajil­lion feet for 6 bucks- i also find it great for sta­bal­iz­ing frabric (t‑shirts espe­cial­ly) for hand embroi­dery- also cheap­er than the prod­ucts they make speci­fa­clly for that.

  5. oooh! thanks Melis­sa! great tip! sounds like they sell them in lots of places! must keep an eye out for them.

  6. Thank you for your kit­ty hom­mage. This is Wendy from Fel­pa Felt. I love it and your project. I hope I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet you in Mexico.

  7. thank you so much for vis­it­ing, Wendy! i’m a huge fan of your work! a friend of mine brought me one of your cats (whom i’ve named Kat Sue) from mex­i­co — i so wish i can come to your cat felt­ing work­shop one day!

  8. Did you find freez­er paper? I’m just east of Toron­to, and I’ve looked at “Real Cana­di­an Super­store”, Fresh­co, Bulk Barn, and Super Wal-Mart! For some odd rea­son, I’m think­ing of going to Cana­di­an Tire next LOL. I’ve seen on some sites that peo­ple are find­ing it at Metro’s in Toron­to, so I will try that too.

  9. I checked out a cou­ple small, dis­count places, but end­ed up find­ing it at Metro. I don’t like Metro, but hope­ful­ly this roll lasts a LONG time!

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