this week’s awesome finds

Adding jel­lo pow­der to cook­ie dough, bril­liant! Recipe from I Heart Nap Time. 


Aren’t these the clever­est? Not sure where the orig­i­nal post was though. Spot­ted on Pin­ter­est.


Very styl­ish shirt skirt by Ninth & Bird.


The cutest Christ­mas stock­ings, pat­tern from Le monde de Sucrette.


Going to give this a try. Tie a tur­ban style head­band by Straw­ber­ry Koi.


Looks so cozy. Maybe I can mod­i­fy the pat­tern to make it fit me. Cro­chet jack­et from Drops Design.


Beach day! Sew a sim­ple dress, from Martha Stew­art Liv­ing.


Intrigu­ing! Made by melt­ing translu­cent pony beads in the oven. Looks like it would make nice neck­lace pen­dants. From The Art­ful Par­ent.


Love the swirly colours in these votive hold­ers. From Creme de la Craft.


This is so awe­some! I won­der where I can find small bot­tles like this… From Tran­sient Expres­sion.


A very very cute nee­dle thread­er, by Wild Olive.


Have a great start to the week, every­one! :D



6 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. I’d look for the glass jars in a doll­shouse shop! I know my local shop has this size and even smaller :) 

    By the way, I love the squares. Espe­cial­ly num­ber 22, it looks like the under­side of a mushroom!

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