mystery project revealed!

Won­ton noo­dle soup!! :D


But wait, here’s the trick…


Look, ma! No hand!


It’s a col­lab­o­ra­tion — my friend Jenn came up with the idea, and I made it with yarn :D It’s for a com­mu­ni­ty yarn bomb­ing project orga­nized by Wise Daugh­ters Craft Mar­ket. The exhi­bi­tion will then move to Har­bourfront in Octo­ber! :D

Here are bet­ter pic­tures of the noo­dle bowl…


The chop­sticks are actu­al chop­sticks wrapped in yarn. I glued about 1/4 of a skein of yel­low acrylic yarn to the bowl with hot glue. Also put a few rocks at the bot­tom so it does­n’t get blown away. The orga­niz­er said that the exhib­it will be in a cov­ered but out­door area, hence the drain holes I men­tioned ear­li­er, in case of heavy rain (it was Mike’s idea :D).

Here I am with the dis­play at Wise Daughters!


The rest of the scene looked fab­u­lous! (I espe­cial­ly love the win­dow, and the dog on the rug is also made with yarn!)


The Junc­tion Design Crawl was hap­pen­ing at the same time in the neigh­bour­hood, so we vis­it­ed oth­er fun exhi­bi­tions and activ­i­ties. At the Tele­phone Booth Gallery we vis­it­ed the Carl Wagan Book­mo­bile (an awe­some inven­tion!) and earned badges mak­ing s’mores… (I could­n’t get the lighter to work… got some help from the ranger, who hap­pened to be one of my for­mer print­mak­ing teach­ers from art col­lege! :D)


Make also learned to make a book (inside the wag­on!) and earned a book­bind­ing badge!

We both made friend­ship pins and earned friend­ship badges (you can see me wear­ing them in the very first pho­to with the noo­dle bowl).

Down the road we found an instal­la­tion made of (lots and lots of) paper cups by Mason Design.


A fun-filled night!

Thank you for all the great guess­es for the mys­tery project, every­one! They make awe­some project ideas! In fact I think I might take the planter idea and make it into a prop for my shop-in-a-cub­by for the upcom­ing hol­i­day season…

Wish­ing you an awe­some week­end! :D






13 thoughts on “mystery project revealed!

  1. Now, that was DEFINITELY a mys­tery project! So, co cool! Sounds like you had a pret­ty fun day :-).

  2. it turned out so well, patri­cia! and after look­ing at these pic­tures, i real­ly wish i’d gone with you that night. :)

  3. Wow talk about art forms with cro­chet YOUR A WIN-er. Renee nooat fysyirst of noo­dle soup want­ed too eat, did not know it was cro­chet after watch­ing so mgoany movies Korea Japan and Chi­na their sto­rys fam­i­ly’s etc show­ing noodle’s chef’­cook­ing etc into mod­ern movies too me like the best i wish i could make the soups sor­ry your site show­ing this i want a bowl right now ha by for now

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