new sky project! :D

Need­ing a project that I can work on for a very short time each day, was con­tem­plat­ing doing anoth­er sky project (I made a scarf for my sis­ter last fall — fol­low the link for the orig­i­nal pat­tern if you’re inter­est­ed in mak­ing some­thing sim­i­lar! :D) because the idea is tru­ly bril­liant. And I was already think­ing about cro­chet­ing a square-top kind of sweater with a large hook (for a soft drape). Thus begins the sky sweater project! :D


The first row! (the pho­to is kind of mis­lead­ing… the sky was more grey than it was blue, and the yarn was of a lighter grey, as pic­tured below.)

With a 10mm hook, 2 rows a day accord­ing to the colour of the sky until I have enough length to make a sweater. It would just be a long rec­tan­gle with an neck open­ing in the cen­tre, then fold­ing in half along the shoul­ders and sewing the sides togeth­er to make a sweater. Here are the colours I’m using.

The yarn got tan­gled a lot last time I made the sky project and I spent more time untan­gling than cro­chet­ing. So this time I’m kind of lim­it­ing the colours I’m using, and cro­chet­ing with only one strand at a time. 

I won­der how long this is going to take… but image wear­ing the colours of the sky! :D Very excited.

Will keep you post­ed! Have an awe­some day! :D




3 thoughts on “new sky project! :D

  1. Per­fect new project, Trish! A small time com­mit­ment each day and wow, a beau­ti­ful sweater!!! I know what you mean about car­ry­ing all those strands on the sky scarf. I just could­n’t do it, so I’m just cut­ting and tying and call­ing it good. Maybe I’ll just cut all the lit­tle ends short and have a bit of a fringe. Either way, noth­ing was going to stop me in mak­ing the scarf. Of course, mine is only 28 stitch­es (the cycle of the moon) so hard­ly a scarf :-). But it will be such a love­ly record of the year.

  2. Look­ing for­ward to see­ing your sweater progress, should be love­ly when fin­ished. You are great for ideas. Sheila.

  3. thank you, every­one! i think the thing i like the most about sky projects is that there is no way of pre­dict­ing how the stripe pat­tern will turn out :D

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