this week’s awesome finds

Haven’t post­ed for a while! Does­n’t mean that I haven’t been mak­ing things though… I just can’t show you what I’ve been mak­ing until after Decem­ber, because they’re Christ­mas gifts :D But here are a few awe­some ideas that I’ve come across late­ly, gifts for oth­ers and for our­selves, per­haps :D

Paper punched shapes from leaves — such awe­some colours! From Grow Cre­ative.


Snowflake orna­ments made with dusty miller leaves. I kept notic­ing that a house down the street has a large bush of dusty miller. Hmm… From Michele Made Me.


This makes me grin :D Spot­ted on The Dap­per Toad, where you will find the link to the pat­tern for sale on Ravelry.


I just imag­ine mak­ing this out of soft fleece and wrap­ping myself in it while watch­ing TV. That’d be hilar­i­ous. From Etsy.


I espe­cial­ly love the ones with the scarves! :D By Rav­el­er Stripespolka­dots.


Real­ly intrigued by this wispy lace pat­tern. I think I might be able to tack­le this, real­ized that knit­ting lace is not as dif­fi­cult as it looks. Also from Rav­el­ry — a free pat­tern by Saman­tha Edger­ly.


Pret­ty self-explana­to­ry. Pret­ty result. Think I’m going to give this a try soon. Spot­ted on Pin­ter­est.


Also looks like a bird, does­n’t it? From Crafts for Lily.


Made from those fleece blan­kets from the dol­lar store! :D From Dol­lar Store Crafts.


And final­ly — a cro­cheted Mar­cel the Shell with Shoes on! :D If you haven’t seen the video (part 1, part 2), I high­ly rec­om­mend it! Cro­chet pat­tern from The Hook Brings You Back.


Hap­py craft­ing! :D



10 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. SO many things I loved in this post! :)
    The lit­tle octo­pus is to die for, I wish I could knit :P
    And the Yoda hat? Eeeeek! I LOVE it!
    Bless­ings <3

  2. Hi Trish,
    I have fin­ished my doll for my grand­daugh­ter, but I would­n’t put up pho­to till after she gets it, in case her Mam­my sees it.
    I love the leave splat­ter pic­tures, reminds me of stuff I did in high­school, very sim­ple but effective.
    Thanks for all your finds.

  3. Well, you KNOW I’m lov­ing those owls :-). And I think you intro­duced me to Mar­cel; we can now make our own!

  4. Gaaaah­h­hh!! That knit­ting octo­pus is wicked cool! Imag­ine how many projects I could cre­ate with 8 arms??!! That would be AWESOME!! :)

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