this week’s awesome finds


 Infin­i­ty scarf made with fat quar­ters. I espe­cial­ly love the hand stitch­ing on it. From Sew Home­grown.


 I don’t have pets, but this looks real­ly pret­ty. And I bet it smells nice. Plus I’ve seen witch hazel in the drug store but nev­er know what it’s used for. Home­made flea repel­lent for fur­ry friends, from MAKE.


 Whoa! A totoro bed! Spot­ted on Cut Out and Keep.


 A six-month pin­hole expo­sure with a beer can! Mag­i­cal. Maybe one day I’ll give pin­hole pho­tog­ra­phy a try too. Sto­ry on The Pho­tog­ra­ph­er.


 A very sweet crea­ture to make for Valen­tine’s Day. Plush kiss gen­er­ous­ly shared for free by Heather Jar­musz  on Rav­el­ry. 

If you’re look­ing for more sweet things to give to loved ones check out Hei­di Ken­ney’s awe­some valen­tine print­able!

Also, it’s just occurred to me that tomor­row is Ground­hog’s Day, and my ground­hog pat­tern is fea­tured on the Lion Brand Yarn blog! :D The one cre­at­ed for the Lion Brand blog post looks much big­ger, made with a thick­er che­nille yarn… I wish I can see the shape of it more clear­ly with­out the dog chew­ing on it, but I’m thank­ful to be men­tioned :D

And last but not least, there are still a few more hours left to enter the Giraffe neck­warmer give­away before it clos­es tonight at midnight!

Have a love­ly week­end, everyone!




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