slowing down

garden snail


A sur­prise in the mail a cou­ple of weeks ago, from a won­der­ful friend who sent me this awe­some book. I am so grate­ful for the gen­eros­i­ty and thought­ful­ness! I love all the tiny crea­tures in it. I have been want­i­ng to make a gar­den snail for a while. It comes from this still, qui­et voice in my heart that says, “you need to slow down.” And here it is! A pat­tern for a tiny snail in the book! I just had to make it.

This past six months have been one emo­tion­al­ly intense thing after anoth­er. Here I am hop­ing things will just start slow­ing down, and so grate­ful for the gift that arrives at a moment where I need to be remind­ed of this slow­ing-down mes­sage the most.

Its anten­nae are inspired by these gor­geous amigu­ru­mi fid­dle­head ferns I saw on Craft :D


Wish­ing every­one a rest­ful, nour­ish­ing, re-ener­giz­ing weekend!




2 thoughts on “slowing down

  1. Yes, we do seem to need remind­ing to slow down. I love your gar­den snail and what he rep­re­sents. Take good care of your­self, Trish. May you have rest­ful, nour­ish­ing, and re-ener­giz­ing week­end, too!

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