how i love crocheting

how i love crocheting

 The Weath­er Net­work says it feels like 38°C. And all week I’ve been work­ing on this very cozy sweater. I had an idea and I just had to make it. I could­n’t help myself. Oh, how I love crocheting.

Wear­ing it to take a pho­to is a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. The exas­per­a­tion is evi­dent on my face. It was like the 4th take or some­thing. Def­i­nite­ly not the best pho­to of the sweater or of me, but it would have to do.

I’m going to have to put it away until fall. But I’ve come to love wear­ing this kind of open­work sweaters. I had to stop myself from wear­ing this sweater every­day after I made it in ear­ly spring. So com­fort­able. Not too warm for indoors but warm enough for walk­ing to the sub­way and such when layered.

I also like sim­ple geo­met­ri­cal pat­terns. With cer­tain cro­chet lace gar­ment pat­terns one can risk look­ing like one is wear­ing a giant doily. I thought geo­met­ri­cal pat­terns look a bit more fashionable.

The inspi­ra­tion for this sweater comes from this marsh­mal­low lace sweater. It’s a knit­ting pat­tern. There’s no way I can under­stand the pat­tern, but I love how it looks! How I wish I could knit bet­ter. I thought fig­ur­ing out a cro­chet ver­sion of it is prob­a­bly the next best thing. I found a dia­mond grid pat­tern for a cowl in this book by Doris Chan and basi­cal­ly adapt­ed the pat­tern to make two “T” shapes with some neck shap­ing. I then sewed togeth­er the shoul­der, under­arm and side seams to make a sweater.

I used some cheap and cheer­ful pur­ple acrylic yarn that I bought a long time ago, and ironed on low-medi­um heat under a wet tow­el to soft­en the yarn. Kind of like block­ing but not real­ly. I think it works well though.

Just want­ed to share this last project post before Mike and I head to Chica­go for almost a week! :D Sum­mer trip! :D Will see you when we get back! :D

Until then, keep cool and take care, friends!


6 thoughts on “how i love crocheting

  1. I’m work­ing on a light­weight sum­mer sweater now. I’m hop­ing to fin­ish it before fall so I can wear it before it gets too cool. That’s about the oppo­site of your sweater weath­er issue. ;)

    Also, I just got the book Blue­print Cro­chet Sweaters from the library. Have you seen it? It has some amaz­ing designs.

  2. i’d love to see your sweater when it’s done! :D yes blue­print cro­chet sweaters is one on my wish list — gor­geous designs!

  3. Oh my good­ness, I love that pic­ture of you! I can just pic­ture you stomp­ing your foot :-).

    Have a won­der­ful vacation!!!

  4. just read nan­cy’s com­ment, i was gonna say (well i’m now say­ing, haha) that i love this pic­ture of you! it looks like you’re a proud cro­cheter and that is THAT! =)

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