royal mail! :D

royal mail

I love get­ting Roy­al Mail :D

This time it car­ries two opalite beads that I ordered from Ker­rie Berrie, a very friend­ly bead shop in Brighton. Not that I’ve been there in per­son (I wish I could be there in per­son), but the ship­ping was fast and when I had ques­tions they replied right away. Very friend­ly ser­vices. And they have teardrop-shaped opalite beads!


I’ve been look­ing for opalite beads in this spe­cif­ic shape for a long time. The local bead stores don’t seem to have them. Of course I could get a string of like 100 on Etsy, but I don’t need that many. (Well, Etsy shops would prob­a­bly sell them in a string of 10 or some­thing, I was exag­ger­at­ing. But I don’t even need 10) I just want­ed one to make a neck­lace with. So I just kept look­ing every time I go to a bead store, hop­ing it would won­drous­ly appear in front of me in a bead tray one day.

And one day I did a Google image search and saw a pic­ture with two per­fect­ly smooth teardrop-shaped opalite beads. I clicked on it and it took me to this bead store in Brighton, where one could shop online and buy as few as ONE opalite bead. I bought two :D

And final­ly a neck­lace was made, fol­low­ing this tuto­r­i­al on how to wrap a briolette.


I love opalites because they glow.



Anoth­er hap­py news! Last Fri­day Sara of Illu­mi­nate Cro­chet post­ed an inter­view that she did with me :D Feel­ing so grate­ful that Sara gave me space on her blog to talk about cro­chet and plush and things I love. You can read the inter­view here, and be sure to browse around her awe­some, infor­ma­tive blog and fea­tures on oth­er crocheters!

Have a won­der­ful week, every­one! :D


6 thoughts on “royal mail! :D

  1. thanks for vis­it­ing, Myra! from what i under­stand the UK postal ser­vice is called “roy­al mail” (note the mail­ing label). to me it just makes mail sound spe­cial in an amus­ing way :P

  2. Yes, over here it is called the “Roy­al Mail” and I am so used to it I for­get we have the lit­tle crown on the postage frank­ing and take it for grant­ed. It is known as the Roy­al Mail because it was the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem for roy­al and gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments and has been around since 1660. It cov­ered the whole of the British Empire. Hope that is inter­est­ing for you.
    Trish, what a love­ly inter­view in Illu­mi­nate Cro­chet. Congratulations!

  3. thanks Kathryn! and thank you for explain­ing the his­to­ry of Roy­al Mail! :D to us (well, to me any­way) it sure sounds more inter­est­ing than “cana­da post”!

  4. LOL Yeah, but Cana­da Post STILL sounds more inter­est­ing than USPS. :) And I loved read­ing your inter­view! Excit­ing! …and not just because you gave me a “shout out”! Thank you!

  5. just point­ing peo­ple to a good pat­tern :D and i can’t wait to make it! but the mason­ry jack­et is tak­ing FOREVER :S

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