one more day

School starts this week but I don’t have class­es on Mon­days. So that gives me one more day with no school assign­ments burn­ing in the back of my mind. One more day of writ­ing in this blog before I’m knee-deep in paper-writing.


This is where I’m remind­ed of some­thing my broth­er-in-law (who is one of the smartest peo­ple I know) said once, which has stuck with me ever since, “yes I’m busy, but I’m doing what I want to be doing so I’m hap­py to be doing it.” (or some­thing along that line. I know I’ve got­ten the gist of it but I would­n’t count on my own mem­o­ry to quote any­one ver­ba­tim. This is why I’m so bad at retelling jokes. Any­way, I digress.)

I’m tru­ly thank­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go to school, learn­ing what I want to learn. It is tru­ly a priv­i­lege. I need to rest in the joy of that.

But before we head for­ward, I want to show you (it is long over­due!) pic­tures from our final sum­mer trip to Rock Glen Con­ser­va­tion Area. It is extra spe­cial because it’s near Mike’s home­town and that’s where his grand­par­ents would take their kids, and lat­er, grand­kids, on day trips.

It has a water­falls! :D


Isn’t it beau­ti­ful? :D

We then crossed a very pic­turesque bridge…


… and fol­lowed a very, very long stair­case into the woods…


… arriv­ing at the riv­er bank. 


I can lis­ten to the bub­bling water all day.

Rock Glen is famous for its abun­dance of fos­sil spec­i­mens. It did­n’t take very long for us to find a bra­chio­pod.


We also spot­ted quite a few of these spot­ted, the fuzzi­est cater­pil­lars. I told it to hur­ry into a bush before a bird saw it.



And here we are, back to the city. Last night we walked passed a shrub with these sweet pink flow­ers. Sum­mer’s last blooms.

Photo 2013-09-08


But it does­n’t mean that the fun is over. I’m count­ing down to Mid Autumn Fes­ti­val when the moon is bright and full.

Photo 8 34 13


Wish­ing you an ener­gized and inspired fall season!


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