
luna 1

Hard to believe how hap­py this made me, to cro­chet something. 

Life’s been busy, and I feel rather deplet­ed every day when I get home. But I know that if I carve out some time to make some­thing rather than zonk­ing out in front of the TV I would feel much bet­ter, much more ener­gized, much more nour­ished in my spirit.

I’ve been want­i­ng to make a luna moth for a while. Was look­ing for an origa­mi dia­gram actu­al­ly, but could­n’t find any on the inter­web. So I thought I’d go back to what I do best, with my trusty cro­chet hook and yarn.

Some­one I real­ly admire once asked me what it’s like to cro­chet, refer­ring par­tic­u­lar­ly to the tiny anatom­i­cal heart I gave her. I said it’s like sculpt­ing with yarn. 

You see, it crossed my mine to write out a pat­tern, because I haven’t post­ed a pat­tern for a long time, but writ­ing a pat­tern kind of takes away the spon­tane­ity of free-form cro­chet­ing, of sculpt­ing with yarn, which was what I need­ed at the moment. But you can see that the veins on the upper wings are clear­ly off, so I might make anoth­er one to improve on it, and I might jot down the stitch­es then.

I had some per­fect­ly spark­ly yel­low beads for the eye spots.

luna 2

Like I said, I’ve been want­i­ng to make some kind of moth for a long time. The inspi­ra­tion for it is kind of ridicu­lous. I keep see­ing this com­mer­cial for Big Bang The­o­ry in which Shel­don asked Amy, “are you sure your moth-like per­son­al­i­ty won’t be drawn to this blaz­ing fire that is myself?”

I don’t watch the Big Bang The­o­ry, but I find the descrip­tion “moth-like per­son­al­i­ty” inter­est­ing. It reminds me of a con­ver­sa­tion I had with a for­mer super­vi­sor, whom I also admire very much. She asked, “so you say that you have this huge fear of con­flicts and angry peo­ple, yet you picked a pro­fes­sion in which you have to deal with peo­ple who are in con­flicts and angry all day?“ 

I don’t know why I choose to work in social ser­vices. Some­times I wished I could go back in time and choose archae­ol­o­gy or pale­on­tol­ogy as a major. Some­times I think I would be much hap­pi­er and less stressed out in gen­er­al if I stud­ied dinosaurs instead of the var­i­ous ways peo­ple hurt one anoth­er. But I’m not so sure.

Any­way, I was feel­ing deplet­ed, so I made a moth, and it made me hap­py. That’s all I can say for today.

I did­n’t sew a pin back on it yet, but I think it might look good as a brooch. Not too over the top, right?

luna 3

Wish­ing you a peace­ful rest of the week.


6 thoughts on “luna

  1. I love but­ter­flies and of course Luna but­ter­fly. Real­ly cute and your choice of colours and mate­ri­als are great! As soon as I can I will try exact­ly in your won­der­ful choice tech­nique, mate­ri­als and colours and I will let you know.
    If you would like to see a gold but­ter­fly I cre­at­ed with maple seeds the link is here ;)
    I wish you a hap­py hap­py day!

  2. “Any­way, I was feel­ing deplet­ed, so I made a moth, and it made me hap­py. That’s all I can say for today.”

    I real­ly res­onate with that. It does­n’t solve any of life’s prob­lems, but the rit­u­al of bak­ing some­thing renews my spirit.

  3. thanks annie! i think the renew­al of spir­it can also make a dif­fer­ence in terms of how i approach life problems :)

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