12 Days of Woodland Creatures gallery!

I’ve final­ly put up all the pic­tures that fel­low cro­cheters have shared for the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures project! :D

You can see every­one’s delight­ful crea­tures here :D It’s under the “craft-along gallery” tap at the top of this blog.

Thank you so much every­one for cro­chet­ing along! It’s made the whole project a lot more fun. Real­ly appre­ci­ate you shar­ing pho­tos of your love­ly crea­tures too! I’m look­ing for­ward to host­ing more CALs in the future!

You can still find all of the crea­ture pat­terns in the “tuto­ri­als” tap at the top of this blog.

Have a hap­py Fri­day and week­end, every­one! And to every­one who’s expe­ri­enc­ing win­ter (to the extreme in some areas), send­ing you all my best wish­es for warmth and safety!




2 thoughts on “12 Days of Woodland Creatures gallery!

  1. I love your site. Every­one I have seen is so tal­ent­ed. I look for­ward to spend­ing more time read­ing & shar­ing your site with all my friends but espe­cial­ly with my followers.

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