this week’s awesome finds




First, I want to share with you this AWESOME instal­la­tion that my sis­ter point­ed out to me, by Chica­go artist Melis­sa Jay Craig. Why books as mush­rooms, you ask? She says, “When I was a child, the first time I had the intrigu­ing feel­ing that the plan­et car­ried mes­sages (texts, if you will) for those who were curi­ous enough to look, was when I came upon a group of Amani­ta Mus­caria, hud­dled togeth­er in a dark, secret space under tall pines.” Isn’t it beau­ti­ful? Read more about the instal­la­tion at This is Colos­sal.


Now, want to make your own mush­room instal­la­tion? Here’s a love­ly how-to using wine corks and mag­nets on At Home in Love.


These cac­ti are so very cute. From Craft­ber­ry Bush.


I don’t know much about bead­ing, and I want­ed to make a state­ment neck­lace to wear to a wed­ding with an old black sweater dress, so I was look­ing for tuto­ri­als, and I real­ly like this one on tuts+, fea­tur­ing dif­fer­ent stones.


Tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing these beau­ti­ful nee­dle felt­ed birds, by Joe & Cheryl.


Origa­mi is one of my favourite things, and this is just adorable — dia­grams for mak­ing the sushi AND the wood­en plat­form they’re on, plus a trea­sure trove of origa­mi dia­grams from dinosaurs to fly­ing squir­rels to soft serve ice cream cones on Origa­mi Club! :D


A beau­ti­ful wall hang­ing of moon phas­es, from Almost Makes Per­fect.


A super fun straw­ber­ry cake tis­sue box cov­er by the awe­some Twinkie Chan, using loop stitch! (my favourite!) From The Tis­sue Box Bak­ery.


If I have a cat, I would make him this cat tent. From Prac­ti­cal­ly Func­tion­al.


Beau­ti­ful­ly knit­ted broc­coli flo­rets by Rav­el­ry design­er Sara Eliz­a­beth Kell­ner (check out her oth­er pat­terns too! I espe­cial­ly love the queen bee). I love how the tex­tures are made of purl and knit stitch­es. Pat­tern for sale on Rav­el­ry.


Wish­ing you a week of delight­ful crafty adventures!