weekend wonders

Thrift­ing at a Val­ue Vil­lage while vis­it­ing Mike’s home­town sev­er­al hours away from Toron­to. Found these! :D

Photo 2015-06-13, 5 41 03 PM

This is a brooch, looks like it’s enamel.

Photo 2015-06-13, 5 43 26 PM

There’s some­thing hilar­i­ous about the way he looks, I just had to take him home. Looks like a road run­ner, but it might well be a dinosaur — giv­en that appar­ent­ly most dinosaurs were feath­ered! (accord­ing to this article)

Then I did some apart­ment gar­den­ing at home, and repot­ted the suc­cu­lent we brought home from our trip to Mon­tre­al.

Photo 2015-06-14, 12 11 22 PM

I fol­lowed this tuto­r­i­al to make the dinosaur planter. The dinosaur toy was already a pret­ty bright pink, which I liked, so I did­n’t spray paint it. It did­n’t have much room for the roots, so I hope the suc­cu­lent does well in there.

I cov­ered the top with the seashells I got for the aspara­gus fern to help sta­bi­lize the plant.

Photo 2015-06-14, 12 14 11 PM

Will be back with the sec­ond part of the tiny sushi series! Stay tuned :) Hope every­one had a good week­end, wish­ing you a good start to the week!