more Christmas crafting fun!

We spent the new year with my fam­i­ly, the gift-open­ing con­tin­ues! :D

I fin­ger-knit­ted my sis­ter a head­band in a colour that I thought she’d like (kind of pur­ple sun­set-sky-like), with this tuto­r­i­al I wrote :)

Photo 2015-12-31, 7 56 15 PM

And using the same fin­ger-knit­ting method, I made a neck warmer for my mom. Just made it wider than the head­band, but it’s the same length. The dou­ble-thick fab­ric made by fin­ger-knit­ting makes it very, very warm. She demon­strat­ed wear­ing it as a head­band too, as well as a Smurf-style hat :P

Photo 2015-12-31, 10 36 40 PM

And in the air was the aro­ma of the scent­ed can­dle I got for my dad. He likes scent­ed can­dles :D

And for me! :D I got an assort­ment of sea­weed and SQUID FLOSS!! From Mike, who knows me so well! :D I love squid floss. I got more squid floss from my par­ents :D

Photo 2015-12-23, 9 44 18 PM

And I got The Lit­tle World of Liz Climo from my sis­ter. If you haven’t checked out her work before, I high­ly rec­om­mend tak­ing a look at her Tum­blr — it is hilar­i­ous and adorable, espe­cial­ly if you like cute talk­ing ani­mals, it will total­ly bright­en up your day :D

And a gift from my mom — a new year hair­cut! :D


I’m the luck­i­est daugh­ter. My mom’s always cut my hair. She took class­es when I was very young. I’ve nev­er been to a hair salon in my life until a few years ago. Part­ly because of con­ve­nience (it was a long com­mute to my par­ents’), part­ly because I know how tir­ing it is to cut some­one’s hair (because I’ve tried cut­ting Mike’s hair :S), and part­ly because I want­ed a pret­ty extreme asym­met­ri­cal cut at the time (like near­ly shaved on one side) and I was­n’t sure if she’d be will­ing to do it, I’ve been going to a hair salon for the last while. But since I was home and my mom was­n’t busy I asked if she could cut my hair. I still like the idea of an asym­met­ri­cal hair­cut, but I thought I’d go for a more sub­tle look this time, a bit less dra­mat­ic for the workplace.

My mom nev­er disappoints! :)

Photo 2016-01-01, 2 11 33 PM

I’m very pleased with it, now I’m all ready for 2016! :D

(actu­al­ly, I’d like anoth­er week of hol­i­day, or bet­ter yet, this hol­i­day week just mag­i­cal­ly loops on over and over again, just think­ing about all the chal­lenges that haven’t resolved before going into the holidays.

But hol­i­days always end, and chal­lenges will always be there, no mat­ter where we go, or what we do, and maybe the way to deal with them is not to wish that they’re not there, but to “turn towards” them (in the words of one of my teach­ers) in faith, that things will work out one way or anoth­er, and that I’m nev­er alone in deal­ing with them.)

And so for the new year, and the win­ter months ahead, I thought it’d be fit­ting to share this with you :D

(orig­i­nal post here)

Hap­py new year, every­one! :D *toss­es glitter*

4 thoughts on “more Christmas crafting fun!

  1. Hap­py new year Trish! Cette coif­fure vous va trés bien. J’aime beau­coup votre blog, les jolies pho­tos et toutes les belles choses que vous réalisez avec tal­ent. Ami­cales pensées de France. Claudine.

  2. 1) hair? Total­ly cute!
    2) love love love the head­band! Cowl too!
    3) that car­toon cracks me up every time! 

    Hap­py New Year!

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