treasures from the beach

I don’t swim, or play beach vol­ley, nor do I enjoy sun-tan­ning, and read­ing in the sun hurts my eyes, but I do enjoy going to the beach, comb­ing for beach glass! :D

We’ve vis­it­ed a cou­ple of local beach­es this sum­mer and found some real­ly inter­est­ing beach glass pieces. This piece has some loopy mark­ing on it (super macro pic­ture tak­en with the handy Pho­to­jo­jo macro band :D)


And the oth­er day I made it into a neck­lace. I was quite pleased with how it turned out :)

Photo 2016-07-12, 7 10 55 PM

Photo 2016-07-12, 7 31 03 AM

This can­dle hold­er idea from Love­ly Greens has been on my to-make list for a while. Final­ly I got all the mate­r­i­al to put it togeth­er. I used drink­ing glass­es from the dol­lar store, the small­est votive hold­ers I could find, which hap­pened to be at the Muji store, but I think oth­er places like Michaels or Ikea might have them too, and some dol­lar store sea shells for the base, because the votive hold­ers are much short­er than the glasses.

Photo 2016-07-13, 8 44 44 PM

It’s such a great way to show of the unique pieces of glass. Like this one that seems to come from a screw top bottle.

Photo 2016-07-13, 8 46 03 PM

Mike took some real­ly nice pic­tures of them with his cam­era :D



Have a bright and hap­py week, everyone!


10 thoughts on “treasures from the beach

  1. Votre col­lier est très raf­finé et orig­i­nal. Quant aux petites lumières dans les ver­res, elles me font penser à un décor pour con­te de fées. très jolies pho­tos poétiques.

  2. I love your sea glass votive hold­ers. Thank you for the idea, l’d like to try that.

  3. Your sea glass votives are so beau­ti­ful! We live in the desert and I can’t think of a bet­ter way to use the sea glass we spend our whole beach vaca­tions hunt­ing for. And when we are home, what a beau­ti­ful way to remem­ber the ocean and good times. Thanks for your great ideas. I am mak­ing some of these.

  4. Both of the projects are beau­ti­ful, Trish! I will def­i­nite­ly be mak­ing some of the votive hold­ers. Love the idea of using a dol­lar store glass.

  5. I adore the piece of beach glass and the neck­lace that you put togeth­er is per­fect. I, too, am a beach glass comber…I have jars of found beach glass from Tex­a­da Island, off of Van­cou­ver Island…the votive hold­ers look so nice, as well.

  6. thanks so much Patri­cia! beach glass are the best sou­venirs from dif­fer­ent places, i have to start pay­ing more atten­tion in sep­a­rat­ing them. mine are all mixed up and i can’t tell which ones are from where :S

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