this week’s awesome finds

gift-mak­ing sea­son (aka Christ­mas elf­ing sea­son) is here! :D :D :D

Real­ly like this cardi­gan from Lion Brand Yarn. It’s loose-fit­ting so the mea­sure­ments don’t need to be super exact, which makes it a nice gift to crochet :)


Sweet origa­mi brooches from Lana Red Stu­dio.


A bit steam­punk and very fes­tive, must give this a try. Ear­rings made from hex nuts from Cafe Craftea.


More hex nut good­ness from Hel­lo Glow. A trip to the hard­ware store is in order.


These are the sweet­est. From Petit Bout de Chou.


Stum­bled upon some­thing sim­i­lar on a Japan­ese Insta­gram account. Could not for the life of me find that account again, but found a resin tuto­r­i­al that looks very sim­i­lar. Aren’t these gor­geous? From Nunn Design.


A beau­ti­ful pine cone pat­tern using cor­ner to cor­ner cro­chet — some­thing I have yet to try! Would make a love­ly pil­low. From Make & Do Crew.


Also from Make & Do Crew, this styl­ist hexa­gon shelf! Made using the hum­ble pop­si­cle sticks!


Made from prints found in mag­a­zines. One could also use news­pa­per, fab­ric, washi tape, origa­mi paper, pressed and dried leaves… the pos­si­bil­i­ty is end­less! From Hap­pi­ness is Cre­at­ing.


Say “I love you” in ASL and shrink plas­tic :D From Green­bean’s Crafte­role.


Hap­py craft­ing! :D