A brief shop announcement

I’m trav­el­ling to the land of Dim Sum and Chi­nese Greens! :D

Since I won’t be able to fill and ship orders while I’m away, and I real­ly need to spend the next few days pack­ing and orga­niz­ing things before we leave on a jet plane, I have to tem­porar­i­ly close my shop start­ing today. I felt a bit sad doing it, but I imag­ine vis­it­ing a dif­fer­ent coun­try and see­ing new scener­ies will inspire new ideas for the shop when I get back :D

The shop will reopen on Mon­day, Nov.29. My list­ings won’t be vis­i­ble on my Etsy page while the shop is closed, but you can check out some of the tiny plush­es I have list­ed so far here, if you’d like.

Thank you for visiting!



A last-minute shop update

Made a few more things for the shop, but they will only be around for a cou­ple of days before I close the shop for 3 weeks on Sun­day! (I’ll be trav­el­ling to Hong Kong) Since the shop will be closed for most of Novem­ber, I made these with “hol­i­day cheers” in mind, in case any­one wants to make ear­ly orders for Christmas…

Meet Snow Mush­room! :D

So, when I make some­thing there’s often a sto­ry run­ning in the back of my head. It’s total­ly imag­i­nary, but the Snow Mush­rooms are called the Snow Mush­rooms because they’re sup­posed to be wood­land crea­tures that appear on snow days to spread hol­i­day cheers with their spark­ly caps. Yes. Snow mush­rooms also like to hang out in a group of 3…

Along with a delight­ful s’more, with rosy cheeks! :D S’more does­n’t real­ly have a sto­ry to tell. He thinks just being cute is enough. Period.

Feel free to vis­it them at the shop before they tem­porar­i­ly retire on Sun­day Octo­ber 31! But don’t wor­ry, they’ll be back on Mon­day Novem­ber 29.


Announcing… genuine mudpie, the Etsy shop! :D


I usu­al­ly don’t write 2 posts in one day but this is excit­ing — I final­ly set up my very own Etsy shop!!! :D :D :D

I have been want­i­ng to set up a shop since I first saw it in 2006! My friends have also been urg­ing me when­ev­er they request Christ­mas orders of cro­cheted mag­nets and pins (and by “they,” I mean Kit­ty. Would­n’t have been able to do this with­out your long-time sup­port and encour­age­ment, friend!).

And so that’s why I changed the head­er! Just want­ed it to reflect more of what I do and so it would match the shop ban­ner. I real­ly do like water­colour but I think I like cro­chet­ing plush­es more :P

Set­ting up the shop actu­al­ly took much longer than I thought — lots to think about in terms of poli­cies and ship­ping and stuff. I’m kind of ner­vous about it… will test it out to see how it goes!

So! I put up some Mon­ster­mal­low pins. The one above is one of them. I was so tempt­ed to keep one for myself… but I guess I’ll just make anoth­er one lat­er, so the shop is well-stocked!

And here are the oth­er plush­es in the shop! They’re ideas that I’ve been wait­ing to test out, like the All-Day Dim Sum.

I thought I must make the most pop­u­lar item from my pre­vi­ous designs (and by most pop­u­lar I mean my friend Kit­ty’s ordered it two years in a row) — the bok choy! For the shop I’ve made it into a set with anoth­er leafy Chi­nese veg­etable, the choy sum.


Mike is again a great help in set­ting up the shop. He set up the pho­to-shoot and took all the awe­some-look­ing pho­tos with his super camera!

I hope you’ll pay the shop a vis­it! :D