dance of the jellyfish


It was mes­mer­iz­ing… I could sit there and look at them all day (despite how crowd­ed the exhi­bi­tion was — you can hear all the peo­ple talk­ing in the back­ground). Reminds me of Miyaza­k­i’s movies, espe­cial­ly with the music. So magical…

greetings from Ocean Park!

Hel­lo! Jorge here, tak­ing the cable car across Ocean Park.


And here we are, at the aquar­i­um, with all kinds of sea crea­tures swim­ming around serenely.

Zumi took this pho­to of the aquar­i­um, with splash­ing colours!

High­light of the trip was the jel­ly fish exhi­bi­tion! Here I am sur­round­ed by jel­ly fish, or “sea jel­lies” as they were called at Ocean Park. I also took some videos of the jel­ly fish with Zumi, will be post­ing it next!


greetings from the village

This is one of the play­grounds inside my ele­men­tary school; I’ve played hop­scotch there count­less times. The school is just out­side the vil­lage where we used to live. It’s been closed for sev­er­al years now. They kind of just left it there, emp­ty. I could still see kids’ art­work in the win­dow. It was gat­ed so I could only stick my cam­era between the met­al bars to take pic­tures. It real­ly reminds me of the show Life After Peo­ple. I’m quite sad­dened to see it aban­doned like this.

This pic­ture was tak­en with Zumi. When I first got Zumi in the mail I wor­ried that it might be a waste of mon­ey, but now I’m so glad I bought it! I’m total­ly in love with the pic­tures it takes — the colours and tex­ture are just amaz­ing, espe­cial­ly scenes in the city.

When I tell peo­ple that I used to live in a vil­lage in Hong Kong, peo­ple often seem kind of con­fused. Isn’t Hong Kong a city? It sure­ly is. But there are also vil­lages in a few out­skirt areas. I’ll share more pic­tures of my vil­lage soon!