27 thoughts on “contact

  1. hel­lo just found your site and the piece of cake wow its so great too put on this 11 years old too be in May hope­ing i can make it as i am new at cro­chet i love your site your so artis­tic too renee some­times have senior moments might need help thanx renee

    1. glad you like the cake slice, renee! feel free to send me a note if you need any clar­i­fi­ca­tion for the pat­tern! hap­py craft­ing!

  2. Love your tuto­ri­al on how to make a fish from plas­tic, ide­al mate­ri­al for it, recy­cling too! I had a white and red fish who was sim­i­lar­ly ill fat­ed when I was lit­tle. Love your site, keep up the good work!

  3. Oh Trish, I LOVE your site. I pub­lish an Aus­tralian reg­is­tered arts quar­ter­ly and adore paper, books,letterpress, the fine arts of embroi­dery, knit­ting, cro­chet, ani­mals real or made from fab­ric and wool,:-) and writ­ing let­ters and words of any kind. My daugh­ter sent me this site and I’ve spent many a long time por­ing over all the gor­geous, inno­v­a­tive, funky and fun projects you make. You site has heart and warmth and I love that! Don’t stop! Lu x

  4. Oh my good­ness, I LOVE your ginko leaves. I’m going to try that! AND…why don’t you try some gelat­in print­ing. Just make up 2 heaped table­spoons with 1/2 a cup of almost boil­ing water in a jug. Stir gen­tly til dis­solved then top up with cold water until there is 500ml. Stir to mix then pour this into a tray 30cm x 18cm (dou­ble the mix­ture if you have a larg­er tray). Allow the gelat­in to set in the fridge for a cou­ple of hours. NOW…magic will hap­pen, Trish. :-) Remove tray from fridge. Using your acrylic paint — YES, acrylic — and a bray­er, spread paint over the sur­face. Place a leaf, a feath­er, your hand…leave items there. Put a piece of paper on top and run your hands over the sur­face to print. Remove. now do a 2nd print on anoth­er sheet with the ghost image. wow, it will be beau­ti­ful. (look up gelat­in print­ing on youtube for more ideas. Show us your efforts!)Lu x

  5. Thank you for your great web­site. So many fun­ny things. I should work at the moment but I can‘t stop brows­ing your site. I‘ve told my friends about your site and I will made a few of this mon­ster-book­marks. A nice day from ger­many, Sven

  6. Hi Trish, I was look­ing for the 10-sid­ed HK $5 coin and Google sent me here! If you don’t mind part­ing with the coin, please email me. Cheers. :D

  7. Trish, the Plush Clutch, do you have any idea how much yarn of each skein is need­ed? Yikes, I have so much yarn, but I don’t know how much I’ll need to com­plete the project. I’d hate to be just about fin­ished, and find myself not hav­ing enough of one col­or. Hope you can help. Thanks

  8. Hi tru­ly love love the fin in all its col­ors . oh HAPPY 4th OF JULY HOPE ITS A GOOD ONE for you and family/friend’s

  9. Trish,
    Oh my what cute stuff u make wish u lived near me so we could hang out & put our heads togeth­er on cro­chet & crafting.I teach begin­ning cro­chet and jew­el­ry mak­ing at a local cafe. My daugh­ter found your plas­tic cro­chet fish & sent it to me I just fin­ished it tonite was the cutest lit­tle fishy ever! She want sev­er­al & will be hang­ing them about her bath­room. Love the recy­cle idea are u on pin­trest if not please add some of your cute things out there for oth­ers to share! Such tal­ent u have my friend keep it up!

    1. thank you so much for vis­it­ing, mona! it is so cool that you teach cro­chet — i wish i could do that some­day! i’m not on pin­ter­est… yet! :D will sure­ly let every­one know if i decide to get on it!

    1. thank you so much for being on the look out! i checked out the link and the pat­tern that’s for sale is quite dif­fer­ent from my peas pat­tern, so it’s all good :D

  10. Hi,

    I just read your whole blog start to fin­ish over the last few days, it’s won­der­ful! I real­ly want to come live with you and learn how to do great things every day :D
    I think this was my favourite . http://www.genuinemudpie.ca/2011/02/18/if-pain/

    You’ve inspired me to go to cro­chet class­es, and buy some air plants! Don’t ever stop updat­ing your blog, you have so much tal­ent.

  11. Hel­lo Trish!
    I down­load­ed Episode 1 and 2—question: are there more episodes ? If so, where are they? I’m sorry–I’m just get­ting used to your web­site and your cre­ativ­i­ty! I know you must hear it all the time, but they are so cute!
    Hiromi :)

    1. thanks so much Hiromi! there are only two sushi episodes so far, but there could be more in the future if i come up with more ideas! all of my pat­terns are in the “tuto­ri­als” sec­tion of the blog :D hap­py cro­chet­ing!

  12. today I saw the toasty blan­ket …I just had to smile..what a cute idea and I learned you are a pun­ster!

  13. Hey Trish!

    I’m inter­est­ed in your plush clutch and was won­der­ing if you’re recent­ly mak­ing those and sell it? Please let me know!!

    1. Thanks for vis­it­ing Alexan­dra, and thank you for your inter­est in the plush clutch! I no longer make it for sale though. Sor­ry about that!

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