favourite things friday


Time to plan the last blast of sum­mer par­ties before school begins! Martha offers this bril­liant idea of a fish bowl jel­lo treat, with Swedish fish! :D 


Then, if you’re look­ing for some par­ty favours, con­sid­er these fish-in-a-bag soap! I imag­ine the soap can be used by just cut­ting and peel­ing the bag off. And when the soap is all used up one gets a lit­tle fish! :D I love soap that comes with toys! How-to on Lit­tle Birdie Secrets.


More par­ty ideas — why not bring in some par­ty ani­mals, bear­ing can­dles? Instruc­tion on The Sweet­est Occa­sion.


Since we’re think­ing about going back to school / work busy­ness maybe it’s also a good time to plan some Christ­mas craft­ing. I so hope that this year my tree will be filled with Angry Birds. Even a few green pigs. Bril­liant­ly sim­ple to make with ready-made orna­ment orbs, from Obses­sive­ly Stitch­ing.


But maybe before we fast-for­ward too much to Christ­mas we can look for­ward to fall… I’d take these can­dy corn pump­kin over the carved ones any day. From Bet­ter Homes and Gar­dens.


Okra has got to be one of my least favourite foods (just can’t deal with the slime :S), but look at the beau­ti­ful imprints it makes! From Bloe­sem Kids.


Oooh, nifty! Knit­ting with a comb! Instruc­tion on Cut Out and Keep.


Love this bas­ketweave pat­tern, love­ly on a belt. Pat­tern on Chi­Cro­chet.


Turn a plain old tee into styl­ish empire waist blouse. I’ve attempt­ed some­thing sim­i­lar before but I kind of just pieced things togeth­er — I’d love to try it with this very easy to fol­low nifty dia­gram. From Guaya.


This is very clever. Per­fect to place by the door with keys and things. Spot­ted on Pin­ter­est.


Anoth­er clever use of a com­mon object! What a great way to start a seedling, then the whole pot can be plant­ed into the ground — no waste! From My Roman Apart­ment.


I’ve been con­tem­plat­ing attempt­ing a bird nest neck­lace for a while. I’ve come across quite a few tuto­ri­als but this one I like a lot. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the pho­to is small but I hope you can see — the wire is actu­al­ly very nest-like and messy, I think it’s the best part! From EEBeads.


These are some awe­some-look­ing bracelets/bangles! Love the grey-yel­low one. Cro­chet pat­tern on The Boy Tri­fec­ta.


If made in red this could be anoth­er styl­ish ver­sion of the Kiki head­band :D How-to on Mom­tas­tic.


Have I told you that I’m a big fan of head­bands? Here’s anoth­er tuto­r­i­al for a dain­ty lace head­band. Would­n’t it look pret­ty with a big flower on the side too? Hmm… except I can’t put my hair up like that because it’s so straight and slip­pery… but I’m sure I can find a way to make it work if I ever make one :D From McLaugh­lin Design.


We have a type case and I would love it if one day it turns into a cof­fee table. Instruc­tion on Craft.


Pop­si­cle for break­fast? Yes please! :D Recipe on Jan­ice’s Mash-up.


Final­ly, some­thing ridicu­lous­ly awe­some and fun — check out this diary of Dai­ly Lev­i­ta­tion by Japan­ese pho­tog­ra­ph­er Nat­su­mi Hayashi. She takes pic­tures of her­self in which she appears to be hov­er­ing in air. The ones with the train are just incred­i­ble! Just how does she do it? A lot of per­se­ver­ance, it appears :)


Hope you enjoyed this week’s favourite things col­lec­tion! Have a great week­end! :D



2 thoughts on “favourite things friday

  1. Ohh­hh, such fun ideas! I love the jel­lo, the fish soap, the okra stamp (that slime is just so bad!), and the ban­gle bracelet. Just all so fun. Have a super week­end, Trish!

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