Christmas crafting fun :D

Some of the gifts I made for Christmas :)

This was from a pat­tern by the Knit Cafe, I got it while par­tic­i­pat­ing in the annu­al TTC Kni­ta­long. I don’t usu­al­ly knit with such fine yarn, so it took me quite a long time, but the result is well worth the effort!

Photo 2015-11-30, 9 51 38 PM

Photo 2015-11-30, 9 55 47 PM

I like the con­trast between the sol­id garter stitch and the lacy mesh stitch when it’s all wrapped around. Might make anoth­er one some­times, with a dif­fer­ent colour combination :)

Here’s a much quick­er project I made for Mike, using Bernat Blan­ket. It’s quite a soft but stur­dy yarn with very lit­tle stretch, I thought it’d be per­fect for slip­pers. The pat­tern is from Rain­bows and Sun­shine. Fits him per­fect­ly! :D


This bon­net was fin­ger knit­ted on the plane, on our way back from the east coast, with a skein of beau­ti­ful Sir­dar Kiko. It’s a baby show­er gift I made it for a friend who used to work as a flight atten­dant on the air­line we flew with :)

Photo 2015-11-29, 12 32 30 PM

This is one of the stones from Mike’s grand­pa’s col­lec­tion, which I wrapped with wire and made into pen­dants. Mike’s grand­pa passed away a few years ago. He was quite a semi-pre­cious stone and fos­sil enthu­si­ast when he was young!

Photo 2015-12-15, 10 31 32 AM

I’m not edu­cat­ed in stone iden­ti­fi­ca­tion at all, so if any­one knows what this stone is, please feel free to drop me a note! I made a total of 13 pen­dants for aunts and cousins, but I was too excit­ed about wrap­ping them up and writ­ing notes to go along with them, I neglect­ed to take pic­tures of the fin­ished neck­laces. I fol­lowed this handy tuto­r­i­al for the wire-wrapping.

While vis­it­ing Mike’s par­ents we looked through more of grand­pa’s rock col­lec­tion, includ­ing this piece of pet­ri­fied wood, with trans­par­ent inclu­sions! How cool is that?

Photo 2015-12-27, 2 39 43 PM

Look at the light shin­ing through. Maybe it can be made into a sun catcher.

Photo 2015-12-27, 2 31 24 PM

And here’s my young nephew wear­ing his present :D

Photo 2015-12-26, 11 14 02 AM

I fol­lowed the owl hat pat­tern by Kat Goldin. Also made these owl mitts from Down Clover­laine for my oth­er young nephew, this pineap­ple bag for my niece, a cou­ple of knit neckwarmers/cowls that I made up with bulky weight yarn, this casse­role car­ri­er from Moo­gly for my moth­er-in-law, and a cou­ple more projects that I can’t show you just yet because the recip­i­ents haven’t opened them :)

After mak­ing gifts I thought I’d spend the hol­i­days mak­ing some­thing for myself. I recent­ly start­ed on this sweater from the cur­rent issue of Inter­weave Cro­chet. Here I am drink­ing tea, eat­ing Kinder eggs, and watch­ing fam­i­ly play scrab­ble while I cro­chet — hol­i­day at its finest :D

Photo 2015-12-27, 4 34 21 PM

We’ve also got some very unusu­al weath­er in our cor­ner of the world this Christ­mas. It’s not unusu­al to not have snow, but it was warm enough to find these turkey tails (I think that’s what they are) in the backyard!

Photo 2015-12-26, 1 40 28 PM

Hap­py about the fun­gi sight­ing, at the same time a bit uneasy about the dou­ble-dig­it tem­per­a­ture :S

Then on the week­end it was very windy, with water splash­ing onto the lake­side road. Reminds me of the roar­ing sea in the east coast! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the lake with waves like that, but then I don’t see the lake very much from where I live.

Photo 2015-12-27, 12 08 13 PM

But all in all we had a fun time away from the city vis­it­ing fam­i­ly. And I’m grate­ful to have one more week of hol­i­days until the new year, which means more time to write about craft­ing fun here on the blog! :D

Wish­ing you a won­der­ful week!




Wish­ing every­one peace­ful Christ­mas and new year :)

Thank you so much for vis­it­ing gen­uine mud­pie over the past year, look­ing for­ward to shar­ing more crafty adven­tures in 2016!


hot cocoa, on a stick! :D

Last year I helped a friend make these as wed­ding favours. I thought it’s the most bril­liant thing! And very cute-look­ing with the marsh­mal­low on top. So when Mike and I were think­ing about small gifts that we can make a lot of at once for our cowork­ers, we decid­ed to give this a try again.

We fol­lowed the recipe from Dessert Design Life. There are many hot cocoa on a stick recipes out there, but I chose this one because it’s got some pret­ty good tips about the ingre­di­ents and meth­ods that seem to be help­ful for peo­ple who don’t bake or make desserts much, like me.

It’s actu­al­ly REALLY easy to make. It does­n’t even involve turn­ing the stove on (we melt­ed the choco­late in the microwave, but one could use a dou­ble boiler).

We crushed up some can­dy cane in the Mag­ic Bul­let (sift­ed out the fine powder), and sprin­kled some in the bot­tom of the ice tray before pip­ing in the chocolate.

After the choco­late was melt­ed, we mixed in cocoa pow­der and icing sug­ar, and piped them into an ice tray with a cut-up zip-lock bag. We added a marsh­mal­low on top and put in a stick (bam­boo skew­ers from the dol­lar store).

Here they are, set­ting in the ice tray. (with our fes­tive table cloth in the back­ground :D)

Photo 2015-12-14, 1 19 17 PM

We put them in the fridge for about half an hour, and voilà! We were wor­ried that they might be more dif­fi­cult to de-mold with the can­dy cane bits in the bot­tom, but they popped out like ice.

Photo 2015-12-14, 4 25 48 PM

I brushed a very small amount water on top of the marsh­mal­lows and sprin­kled more can­dy cane bits on top.

Mike made the styl­ish tags :D And we just put them in clear sand­wich bags and tied them up with yarn :)

Photo 2015-12-14, 6 16 37 PM

We made about 50 sticks in a day, and it was a lot of fun :D

After giv­ing them away last week we had just two sticks left over. Which means we can cel­e­brate the begin­ning of win­ter with a cup of hot cocoa togeth­er :D Hap­py win­ter solstice!


this week’s awesome finds

What to make with just a few days before Christmas?


Make a snowy for­est globe (or a vil­lage of globes!), with dol­lar store sup­plies! From Ruf­fles and Stuff.

Knit a cou­ple of leafy wash­cloths! (also dou­ble as pot hold­ers!) From Rav­el­ry design­er Megan Goodacre.

Knit a chunky slouchy cozy hip­ster hat! From Lit­tle Things Blogged.

Cro­chet a super cute fes­tive mouse orna­ment! From Lucy Raven­scar.

Knit a super soft scarf with fluffy chunky yarn :) From Lion Brand Yarn.

Make some My Neigh­bour Totoro char­ac­ters out of toi­let paper rolls, to put on the tree! :D From San­dra Brun­dell. (Post is in Swedish, but the craft is pret­ty self-explana­to­ry :D)

Knit a quick and easy cat hat! From Lion Brand Yarn blog.

Hap­py crafting! May the fes­tiv­i­ties fill your week with joy :)



San­ta’s favourite! :D

Made these for the shop as an orna­ment pack. Just one of the many things that I’m mak­ing. Mak­ing things is prob­a­bly my favourite part of Christmas :)

I made the cook­ie with scraps of Bernat Blan­ket, which made it extra soft, like real soft-baked cook­ies, haha.

Wish­ing you a hap­py rest of the week!


this week’s awesome finds!

Fea­tur­ing quick gifts to make! :D

This cute pret­zel pil­low! From Stu­dio DIY.

Super fun pom­pom key rings, free how-to from Wool and the Gang! (email sign up required to down­load instructions)

Also from Wool and the Gang, an adorable pen­guin embroi­dery pat­tern to cus­tomize your Christ­mas sweater! One can prob­a­bly use it as a chart to knit the sweater itself. Might even work for crochet!

These mit­tens from Purl Soho are just beau­ti­ful. They’re knit­ted flat too (for the most part), so they’re on my to-make list :)

Tiny amigu­ru­mi using corks! My favourite is the Christ­mas tree. The elves are also ridicu­lous­ly cute. Vis­it Moji-Moji Design to see all of them! :D

I like the con­trast of the lace pat­tern and the dense dc stitch­es. From Moo­gly.

Need a nice gift top­per or table dec­o­ra­tions? These chrysan­the­mum are gor­geous and pret­ty easy to make. From Oh Hap­py Day.

Need a big­ger gift top­per? These are made from paper plates! Aren’t they amaz­ing? Can also dou­ble as wall-hang­ing! From Muslin & Mer­lot.

I think this is a bril­liant­ly sim­ple way to show off nice stones and agates, I would just be a slight bit ner­vous about the stones falling off the bail, as they’re just held by glue… But I’ve actu­al­ly done the same with a small piece of amber, and it’s nev­er fall­en off, so I guess as long as one is using the right glue, this makes a nice quick gift! From Fall for DIY.

Can’t go wrong with a sim­ple, cozy hat in neu­tral colours that will go with every­thing :) From Mama in a Stitch.

Can’t wait to show you all the things I’ve been mak­ing — in a few weeks, after I’ve giv­en the gifts away :) Hap­py hol­i­day craft­ing! :D