sunday video: sky scarf

Sky scarf is a very neat project, part of the Con­cep­tu­al Knit­ting Project by Leaf­cut­ter Designs. (via WhipUp)

It doc­u­ments the weath­er by knit­ting a stripe that match­es the colour of the sky each day. Intrigued? Here’s a video with more details.



I love that one does­n’t have to spend a ton of time on it each day, but it still requires com­mit­ment and con­sis­ten­cy — com­mit­ment to do some­thing cre­ative each day. It even makes one look up at the sky once a day in the midst of busy­ness and appre­ci­ate it for what it is. A great project for the fall when school and work and every­thing else is start­ing up again!

There are Flickr and Rav­el­ry groups for the project as well — it would be fun to see all the dif­fer­ent weath­er pat­terns in dif­fer­ent cor­ners of the world!

Have a love­ly Sun­day, everyone.



4 thoughts on “sunday video: sky scarf

  1. What a cool idea! The col­ors are so beau­ti­ful togeth­er, and such a small time com­mit­ment, as you say. We have a lot of gray days in the Seat­tle area, but hav­ing those love­ly stripes of blue as a reminder of the sun­ny days we do have would be encour­ag­ing :-). Right now we are final­ly in the midst of sun­ny heaven.

  2. it’s been pour­ing rain this week­end in toron­to! but i find storm clouds fas­ci­nat­ing, and won­der­ing which grey yarn i have is the clos­est to the colour of the dark clouds…

  3. Hi Trish,

    Want­ed you to know that I have joined the Con­cep­tu­al Knit­ting Rav­el­ry group and have decid­ed to begin my sky scarf on the first day of Autumn! So far I have two col­ors, and the Weav­ing Works in Seat­tle is order­ing the oth­er three. What’s so great is that I can buy as lit­tle as I want off the cones in their store. I’m glad of this because I have NO idea how much of each col­or I’ll need! 

    Thanks so much for post­ing this link!

  4. oooh! that’s won­der­ful! so hap­py to hear that. will be inter­est­ing to com­pare our pieces of skies at the end! :D

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