this week’s awesome finds

Yup, I’m still here. I don’t think I’ve ever let so many days go by between posts before. But then I don’t think I’ve ever been so busy in my life with school work… It should qui­et down a lit­tle clos­er to the hol­i­days, and I will be able to final­ly fin­ish and show you a project that I’ve been work­ing on since the sum­mer. But in the mean­while, awe­some finds! :D

Aren’t these so cute? From Kid­dley.


I love acorns. Love­ly acorn neck­lace tuto­r­i­al by Eri­ca from Caught on a Whim.


Bril­liant idea for win­ter-themed cen­tre­pieces! Ice pots from Fam­i­ly Chic.


Beau­ti­ful sheath dress, tuto­r­i­al by Cot­ton & Curls.


I’m going to make this as soon as the last paper is done! I pic­ture it with a spark­ly yarn… or maybe a grey­ish teal. Lace tunic from Lion Brand Yarn.


This made me so hap­py today, I can’t wait for the pat­tern to come out. A mush­room pen cozy! I will need it for the win­ter semes­ter. From Twinkie Chan.


I hope to be back in a week or so with a cro­chet project to show. Until then, have a won­der­ful Sun­day and an awe­some week!








4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. I love your round-up posts, because you always find the most won­der­ful­ly quirky things. And, I’m so hon­ored to be includ­ed in this one!!! You made my day, girl! Hope you’re enjoy­ing the hol­i­days so far! :)

  2. Trish.
    So glad to see a post and to see all your won­der­ful finds.
    You will real­ly enjoy your break after being so busy. I am lucky that I was able to retire ear­ly, but I remem­ber those busy days too, take care of your­self, Sheila.

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