mushroom 2 ways

5th pat­tern in the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures (& Their Favourite Things) project!

So, we’re going to a mush­room iden­ti­fi­ca­tion work­shop at High Park tomor­row, and Mike thought it would be a real­ly great idea to make a mush­room pin on his own for the occa­sion. And so I thought it would be the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to make up the mush­room pat­tern while teach­ing him how to cro­chet :D

Appar­ent­ly, hedge­hogs real­ly like mush­rooms. So do Hob­bits — “It is said that Hob­bits have a pas­sion for mush­rooms, sur­pass­ing even the greed­i­est lik­ings of Big Peo­ple” (source). Any­way, I digress.

Here’s Mike work­ing hard to mas­ter the ch, sc, hdc…

Photo 2014-09-25, 9 17 29 PM


And here’s what he made :D I love the whim­si­cal dif­fer­ent sizes spots on it.

Photo 2014-09-26, 2 58 25 PM

And here it is with the oth­er two I made.


These mush­rooms are flat, great for applique, brooches and ornaments.

There are prob­a­bly dozens of mush­room applique pat­terns writ­ten already. But I thought what I can offer is two super quick, super easy ways of mak­ing mush­rooms — a rounder, more plump one (red and blue) and a nar­row­er one with ver­ti­cal tex­ture (brown).


We used chunky weight yarn for the red and blue mush­rooms, with a 5 mm hook, because Mike want­ed to use a spe­cif­ic colour of yarn and I only have it in chunky weight. But worsted weight yarn and a 3.5 mm hook will also work well.

Also, tapes­try nee­dle for sewing and embroidering.


Round mush­room cap

ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd st from hook, do not join.

*2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc*, repeat from * to * two more times, do not join (9 sc in round).

Con­tin­ue in rounds work­ing 1 sc in each sc until mush­room cap is about 1″ tall. Fas­ten off, leave tail for sewing.


ch 6, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in each of remain­ing ch. Fas­ten off.


Embroi­der spots on mush­room cap with french knots.

Place the nar­row end of the stem into mush­room cap. Using yarn tail from mush­room cap, sew the open­ing of the mush­room cap togeth­er along its width, sewing through the stem when you come upon it.

Nar­row mush­room cap

Make a mag­ic ring, ch 4, 8 dtr (dou­ble triple stitch) in mag­ic ring, sl st in the top of begin­ning ch 4. Fas­ten off, leave tail for sewing.

*the dtr may take some prac­tice to mas­ter as it has a ten­den­cy to become loose between stitch­es, but once you’ve done all eight of them then that’s it! You’ve fin­ished the mush­room cap!


ch 8, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in each of remain­ing ch, fas­ten off.


Same as round mushroom.

There will be big gaps between the long dtr stitch­es, but embroi­der­ing on the spots and sewing the open­ing of the mush­room cap closed will help keep it in shape.


Hope you enjoy the mush­room patterns!

Also want to give you a heads up that the next cou­ple of pat­terns for the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures project may get delayed a bit. Things are becom­ing busier than I have antic­i­pat­ed. I’m mak­ing stuff for a craft sale next week­end, and then sev­er­al school/work relat­ed meet­ings and dead­lines also sud­den­ly got sched­uled for this com­ing week… here’s a look at my couch, in the midst of pre-sale rush, with Fil­bert the cat look­ing on, full of concerns…

Photo 2014-09-26, 3 07 13 PM


But it’s excit­ing! The com­ing week is full of excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. It just took me by sur­prise, that is all.

I had planned on post­ing a pat­tern every 2–3 days, and I will still try to do that, but if the next one comes out a day or so lat­er, please bear with me >_<

Have a won­der­ful week­end, everyone!!


8 thoughts on “mushroom 2 ways

  1. Real­ly cute! I found this on Pin­ter­est while look­ing for mush­room appliques for booties I made for my son. Neat to find that you’re a fel­low Ontar­i­an (is that what we’re called?)! :)

  2. So cute. Im look­ing for a retro funky mush­room applique to cro­chet. Do you know how to make those?

  3. Hi! Thank you so much for vis­it­ing the blog! I hope the mush­room applique pat­terns in this post fit what you’re look­ing for, but if not, Rav­el­ry would have a ton of sim­i­lar pat­terns and inspi­ra­tions! Hap­py crocheting!

  4. Your wood­land crea­tures are adorable! I’ve always been addict­ed to tiny things, and these are per­fec­ct for me to cro­chet and share! Can’t wait for the oth­er pat­terns (the owl, hedge­hog, etc.) Thanks for gift­ing these to us for free. You deserve a set of angel wings and a halo too!

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